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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 23, 2022

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This is kind of a blend of simplistic beat'em up mechanics and "obstacle course" type gameplay I guess I could describe it. The excuse plot for this one is pretty absurd and fun, "rough teams" have kidnapped the owner of Rollergames and only the "good teams" are bad enough dudes to save him I guess.

As you would imagine from a game called "Rollergames" you're on rollerskates the entire time for this game, and this game will absolutely expect you to platform in them and you will learn to despise slopes once you're done with stage 3. It takes some getting used to, but I still found myself falling off shit constantly in the later stages when the game starts really pushing it's platforming on you. Unfortunately, this game has utterly ruthless checkpoint placement or a complete lack of them as is the case of the highway stages, which turns the entire game into a case of getting used to bad control and trial-and-error due to the fact that 95% of your deaths are gonna be via falling into pits and water.

Get accidentally run over and killed in one hit by the fucking truck boss in the second highway stage? Tough shit, do that entire two-minute autoscroller over again. Sounds fun right? It's not. The actual "beat'em up" portions where you fight guys two at a time in-between those obstacle course segments are complete cake in comparison, it's barely even worth talking about. I always wondered why I didn't remember much after the first stage in this game and I can kinda see why, I didn't stand a fucking chance against this game at four years old. Fortunately the devs throw the player a bit of a bone and let you continue indefinitely, but even with them your patience is going to be really tested if you don't resort to save states.

The game is kinda fun for the first stage, but pretty much once you hit that first highway stage is when the fun factor starts going down. The music is great, but that's probably the only good thing I have to say about it, aside from it having a playable girl with pink hair.