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1 day

Last played

December 29, 2023

Platforms Played


Remembered enjoying the music to this when I played on ye old Capcom Classics Collections on Penis Portable.

Playing the Turbo version on a whim in a Discord call made me realize how dry this shit is especially compared to it's successor Forgotten Worlds, it's still better than some of Capcom's more laughable early arcade attempts like Trojan, but the bar is so monumentally low on that front that only a termite could pass under it. The lack of checkpoints and use of respawn downgrading your weapons to such terrible peashooters makes the game horrific later, where there's so many principality of zeon fuckers onscreen shooting homing missiles at you along with worms chasing you down like you owe them zenny, so you just die constantly in certain sections without a real chance to power back up.

The warship sub-bosses after the midway point show up so much in the final stage that I almost expect them to suddenly appear and ambush me on my way to the store tomorrow. Looking forward to it.