This review was written before the game released

Buying on every platform just to help sales numbers.

7/8 Edit: Well this is a shit situation. What do you want to do? Support Klonoa, but also support trash re-releases? Christ, is it a written law somewhere that every company needs to botch their remasters?

Reviewed on Feb 10, 2022


1 year ago

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1 year ago

It doesn’t really seem “botched”. Overbright visuals and with a weirdly expensive $20 DLC for hats? Sure, but the gameplay at least seems completely intact (if you’re not playing on Switch where it’s 30 FPS), as well as the music, and I doubt new players would really notice anything that differently wrong about it. If anything it’s an improvement over the original Wii remake of the first game which went for around the same price at release.

1 year ago

It's not flat out trash like the Crash N.Sane Trilogy, but it's a worse experience regardless due to the shit visuals/framerate and it's a bad look for every company these days who keep re-releasing games in a worse state from their originals, because higher-ups only care about putting a product on the shelf rather than giving fans an optimal experience.

Like yeah, sure it could be worse and Klonoa could be literally sliding off of platforms due to shit new physics, but just because it isn't on that far end shit spectrum doesn't mean it's suddenly fine.

1 year ago

I could go on for days too about Bamco not giving us physical versions and not giving us a demo until AFTER the game releases, like c'mon.

1 year ago

The US situation is very very strange, I can't wrap my head around it.

1 year ago

It moderately stinks, I probably would've bought a switch and PS4 version just to throw on my shelf and forget about it like the X Legacy Collection, but since it requires extra steps I won't bother now due to being a lazy moron.