If anyone talks shit about the Sonic fanbase again they're getting these hands and a one-way trip to Suplex City. No exceptions.

Reviewed on Oct 16, 2022


I'm not at all That Guy when it comes to praising fanworks (ie, acting like they're doing better than anyone at Sonic Team) but it really is great to see the community do things to make the franchise more expansive, and even do mods to better or improve official ones

Like, I doubt Shadow Reloaded will make my opinion on the rather subpar game improve much, but at least it addresses issues I had and aims to fix them while keeping the core (relatively) intact.

1 year ago

Yeah, I'm not gonna sit here acting like Sonic Team needs to take notes, but to see the love and affection shine like this is always heartwarming.

1 year ago

Maybe I should play this I guess.

1 year ago

It took a bit for me to get used to the drifting, but it's a really good time for a free Kart racer with online and a ton of mods.

1 year ago

Walter White in Sonic Robo blast 2