Hidden in this game is a rock song with lyrics about trying to write lyrics to said song.

Listen to it here: https://youtu.be/3wYYdAu6MT8

As for the game itself, it's a very bad wrestling game that uses combo-style button presses to perform basic grapples. It's super awkward and super crappy. Just listen to that song I posted earlier instead, because it's the best thing in the game next to the promos the wrestlers do for their "rants" on the character select screen which can also be viewed here:


Please pick Kevin Nash, he's beggin' ya! Just do it in WCW/nWo Revenge instead of this.

If I had to sell you on playing this game, the only thing I need to mention is that you can play as Scott Steiner and beat the shit out of cops in a shopping mall then later throw them off shipping docks to their doom in the polluted harbor.

I miss the days of wrestling games going full video game with wrestlers being superhuman and doing insane bumps. This game is honestly the peak of that. It's a load of fun even to this day.

This game is rough to play in 2021(at least on N64). The platforming is extremely clunky, enemies will respawn right behind you, strafe running is incredibly fast and will possibly make you nauseous.

But my god, it's still satisfying as all hell to kill those campaigner troops and the music is so fucking cool.