While short, only about 4-5 hours if you're not aiming for 100% completion, Wuppo is a great game that's a bit reminiscent of Paper Mario. It can get a bit nonsensical at times in terms of story, but as long as you don't mind that, it's worth a quick run through. There is one dungeon that definitely could've been easier to figure out exactly what you're supposed to do, but other than that, the game is somewhat straightforward and well done.

While this game is fun for a short time, it gets old rather quickly, and eventually turns into a grind to try and get all of the endings. Not really worth it.

Ok. I don't often say this outright, as I prefer to look moreso at the positive aspects, while also acknowledging flaws, but...This game is outright bad. Like, I had to use a walkthrough constantly to get through it. And it wasn't even fun. There's no incentive to combat, the puzzles are confusing, and no interesting story that I can remember. Seriously. Just skip this one and play any of the other Paper Mario games.

In this game, you play as a robot who digs and sells ore to make a living. As you go deeper, you find lost technology and hidden secrets, eventually reaching the bottom. What you find there is...well, spoiler territory. This game is rather simple and short, but fun.

Ah yes. The only KH game I've really played through that I winded up outright dropping. And I've played and beaten nearly all of them, even Chain of Memories. Imo, I winded up dropping it for good reason. While there's nothing wrong with the story of 358/2 Days, the gameplay and pacing are SO. DANG. SLOW. It literally started to feel like a boring slog to play through. I tried to complete it, but eventually gave up and watched the cutscenes. This is the only KH game that I outright consider bad.

I actually unironically liked this game. There, I said it. I don't see why it's so hated. Sure, it doesn't contribute much to the overall KH story, but I personally found it fun. It could use a TAD more polish, but I personally think it is WAAAAAY better than 358/2 Days, in this aspect, which feels slow and boring, to me. This is coming from someone who's played every KH game but Melody of Memory and KH3. Seriously, give it a shot if you're bored, and into the KH series.

A short but fun island exploration game. In this game, you run, jump, climb, and fly in order to reach new places on the tropical island that is now your home. In order to progress further, you must collect golden feathers, which increases your stamina, allowing you to climb or fly for longer. The end goal is to eventually climb to the top of the island's mountain. This game is chill and somewhat relaxing, with no actual threats, just pure exploration, item collection, and sightseeing.

A very simple RPG that still manages to be somewhat entertaining. Unlike more modern RPGs, you control a single character through combat and the overworld. While it is a very short and simple game, I enjoyed it.

I played this game a few years back, and I actually quite enjoyed it. I will say, it is definitely not without it's flaws, and it is definitely very different from your average Sonic game. This is an RPG, and while it does feature Sonic, it has turn based style combat, and a rather different way of executing special attacks. To successfully pull of special moves, you must do a series of real time actions with the stylus. I will say that I honestly would be rather interested in another Sonic RPG if one were to be released. However, I will say that this one winded up being rather slow and ultimately fell short of what I feel like it could've been. While I did enjoy it to some extent, it's full potential was never realized. It honestly makes me sad, as it means that it is not likely to ever receive the sequel that was implied to be in the works at the end of the game.

To be fair, I was told by 3 different people not to play this. And I did not listen. It was...not a good game. But not quite as bad as I expected, either. I finished Dante's questline and that's all I think I care to.

While I would definitely recommend this game, I definitely do have a few minor complaints. First off, I find it surprisingly difficult to obtain early game resources later on in the game. And secondly, I only found the beacon much later on, not realizing it was in the safe shallows, leading to me being lost A LOT. However, this is an amazing game, full of rather creative ocean creatures, and while the endgame is a bit tedious to reach, it wasn't so much so that I found it unfun.

Paper Mario may be a bit of an older RPG, but it still holds up surprisingly well. While I have to say that the Mario and Luigi series is usually more my thing, I can definitely say that I found the game to be highly enjoyable. If you can find a way to play it in 2022, I'd definitely recommend!