I never played any of the supposed highlight Twisted Metal games like 2 or Black, but I thought this was a lot of fun using the RC car variants and seeing the funny cutscenes of the Twisted Metal kids. Definitely gave me a strong (PG) impression of the series.

Boy I really don't remember this game other than it has cars in it so it probably wasn't amazing

Never really played many hockey video games in my time, but I remember this being goofy and a good time on PS1.

While not quite as special to me as MKDS, it's another pretty amazing entry in the series with two characters per kart.

Had a blast playing this even though I was never really good at YGO.

I've blacked out most of this game in my mind but I can think of few games with as raw edginess as this one.

I think I might have played a pirated PS1 copy of this.

When I finally played it, I found it to be pretty rough. Copy and pasted level design, more backtracking than a Metroidvania, and weird acceleration on movement. Still, there is something to be said about the start of this monumental FPS franchise.

Like Mega Man, the Sly games also kind of blend together for me. Definitely a series that would benefit most from a modern entry.

Outstanding quality of life upgrades over the old games, QUALITY voice acting, fantastic selection of bosses, and a new look for PS1. A true shame the series died for so long and eventually forgot the strides made by this game.

An improvement over its predecessor in every way. A better story, and fun weapons like the Blitzer and the Bouncer. Think there was also a mech battle in there?