New Roots 2023

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 5, 2024

Platforms Played


I'm kinda confused as to if this is a completed project or not, since the title at the top of the window says demo but there's no mention of it being incomplete on the store page. There's a mention of the year 2025 in the ending, but I can't tell if it's just in-game lore or not.

I think there's a lot of roughness around the edges here. The overworld is absolutely gorgeous, including the character sprites, but the talk portraits feel really off. Not because the art is bad, but because they just stand in stark contrast to the rest of the game, what with being so much lower in resolution compared to everything else. They're also way too small/low compared to the dialogue box, with shorter characters especially, they tend to get partially or almost fully covered by the text. The game is built in RPG Maker (not sure what version) and has a completely overhauled menu UI, which is very nice, but oddly uses the default font for dialogue, which feels really out of place.

I also kind of don't like the protagonist, as we get a rather cold open to the game of them having a casual conversation with another character, and they're just complaining and being rude the entire time. As an introduction to the main character, it certainly doesn't make me very excited to be playing. In fact, I avoided conversation with a lot of the non essential NPCs because I really didn't want to hear them be mean spirited any more than I needed to. I get that part of their character is being a frustrated teenager, but I feel like it could've been handled differently.