2 reviews liked by VintageOctorock

This is a must-play for DQ fans, even if you can't read Japanese. If you played Rocket Slime you legit already know what to do in this game.

I had soooo much fucking fun playing this. Getting all the slimes in all the levels was so fun and rewarding. Zero time of this game felt wasted. It took me about 12 hours to get all 100 slimes and beat the game since I had to read a lot of it pretty slowly since I'm an elementary Japanese reader. I feel like I understood about 70& of all the dialogue, and a lot of it is hilarious.

The gameplay consists of you freeing your captive slime friends from the Tail gang. You get different abilities like burrowing into the ground, gliding, smashing crystals, and double jumping to get to new areas to free more friends. There are about 7 areas and they're all fun and unique.

The graphics are beautiful sprites. some of the best the GBA has to offer. Every slime is unique in design (albeit recolors but they''re still unique!)

I highly recommend this for anyone who loves Slimes.

Cannot even describe how amazing it was to finish my first not-short game in Japanese.

i dont know anymore man i just wanna be happy