Just needs a few more tweaks to be the best version of sonic 3. The game is one of the best platformers around. A ton of fun to play through and even more so to complete with all the emeralds

A little simple but a fun experience.

An amazing remake of one the best game gear games. Some of the visuals are a bit bland and the special stages depth perception are the only real flaws. A great blast to play through like any sonic game should be. Really fun music.

The gameplay can be kinda clunky and repetitive at times. The visuals and music really carry the game.

A good base for future games to build on.

It sadly expands on some of the worst aspects of breath of the wild. It gets very boring and repetitive quickly. A giant world with very little fun.

It starts out great but gets repetitive and rather unfair the further in you progress. Use save staves because the password system doesn't keep your items. Definitely a game that would benefit from a modern remake to really get the full potential from the concept.

It's a fun little story, pretty engaging all the way through. I found myself laughing many times at how absurd things were getting. My main complaint is all the endings are intentionally abrupt, I wanted to see what happened of the world in each of them.