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3 days ago

Prozner completed Conker's Bad Fur Day
A game that has aged fairly poorly, I feel like this game just doesnt work if you didnt learn about it when you were younger (or were alive when it came out, sorry im a youngin who learned about this game through youtube as a kid). Is Bad Fur Day good? Well probably not, but there is something here, an unfiltered heart of a few people trying to make a game they found funny at the time. It saddens me Rare has left the red squirrel to rot, but if nothing else bad fur day is a game that got to exist, and it got a remake that I personally think is pretty good even if many disagree. Its a experience, l love Conker.

4 days ago

Prozner reviewed Conker: Live & Reloaded
Conkers bad fur day as a whole is a game that I feel works less and less everyday that goes by, If you werent introduced to this game when you were younger you probably wont get it and thats ok. Now for live and reloaded I wanna say I think if we are talking the main game of Bad Fur Day I think live and reloaded is a GREAT remake, purists may burn me at the stake for this but I dont mind the new art style, in fact I kinda like it for what it is, I think graphically this game looks great but Its definitely not everyones thing.

Also while I agree the increased censorship on the swearing was not the right call (and in fact makes the great mighty poos song not as good) the increased censorship pushes the idea these are characters who shouldnt be saying these words even further.

I think people also focus far too much on the swearing because Live and Reloaded makes bad fur day as a whole play so much better, the gunplay is actually fun now, as well as some other spots that control very poorly are vastly improved.

While I agree live and reloaded as whole takes some misteps I far prefer playing this version due to improved controls.

4 days ago

Prozner completed Metroid Fusion
While much more linear than past metroid titles, fusion has superb worldbuilding, and due to the fusion suit and the design of the game fusion is one of the harder games the series has to offer. I really love what fusion is doing and if it werent for the existence of dread ide be inclined to say that fusion might be the best game in the entire series. While far more linear than super, I find that fusion really earns its linearity.

On the note of more linear metroid games, fusion feels much better to me than II did, maybe due to better variety of environments and enemies, fusion stands toe to toe with super and is just another phenominal entry in this classic series.

4 days ago

Prozner completed AM2R: Return of Samus
Neat fan remake of metroid 2, honestly t's on par with nintendo's official games, such as zero mission.

6 days ago

Prozner reviewed Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Ok I love the ace attorney games, have not played all of them yet but I do love them, BUT HOT DAMN SHU TAKUMI YOU DID IT AGAIN. Ghost trick is a phenomanal mystery game from the mind of the man who brought you ace attorney and my god did he go crazy with this one, the puzzles and mechanics, using your ghost tricks its all just so fun. A enthralling mystery, play ghost trick if you even like ace attorney a little, its different but oh so good.

6 days ago

Prozner completed BioShock
Yeah no shit this was the first way I played this masterpiece, I had this game on my IPhone6 back in middle school and loved it, because of this wierd ass port I played one of the best fps games ever made and loved it. Yeah it looks like dog, yeah its on a phone, but for a kid who had never played bioshock this was cool as hell. Dont play bioshock 1 this way, In fact you cant since its been de listed for god knows how long. Its a funny port none the less and was how I was introduced to this glorious game, play bioshock, JUST NOT ON YOUR PHONE FOR GODS SAKE.

7 days ago

Prozner completed Call of Duty: Vanguard
I bought this solely thinking treyarch was gonna be making a real zombies mode with this one (They did not). Its really just a mid ww2 reskin of mw2019 (Witch some would argue every cod game is a reskin of the previous one, but dear reader i dare you to compare Cold War to this and tell me with a straight face COLD WAR is the same game). Sludgehammer fails to find thier identity as a cod developer witch is very unfortunate, but ultimately I just like my treyarch games and will be playing a actually good zombies instead.
Campaign was eh but its cool they did some eastern front missions, witch only waw had did prior. I dislike this one.

7 days ago

Prozner completed Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II
This game just exacerbates my feelings on MW2019. Its ok just stale, and misses the special sauce old cod had.

7 days ago

Prozner completed Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered
The definitive way to play MW2's glorious campaign, not much else though. Would rate higher if it wasnt JUST the campaign.

7 days ago

Prozner completed Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
The campaign had some cool moments , but honestly as I sit on this one I find that I feel the modern MW's have lost what made cod good. To me it feels like IW is trying to do something with cod that really doesnt fit the series, I like aspects of the game feel but others just feel wrong and I dont know why? Something was lost, MW didnt need a reboot that trilogy was perfect, and this is coming from the biggest treyarch zombies fanboy in the world, but I love those old campaigns, the original MW games had that sauce, and IW KNEW what they were doing, but I truly felt we lost something in the transition to the new engine.

7 days ago

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