You cannot turn off the camera noise that the console makes when you save, even if you have headphones on or the audio turned to zero. If you for some reason own this and have it installed, do not play this game in public places like on a bus.

Would be higher if it didn't have such awful performance issues when launched (when I played it).

The rare time that spending $15 on a DLC for a game I paid $10 for actually felt worth it. Amazing way to send the trilogy off than the actual ending (and, obviously better than the normal way by default).

My parents bought this for me for some ungodly reason. I got soft-locked many areas deep. At no point was it fun.

Best iteration in the series, via having a good compromise of features from the old days and newer QoL without flanderizing things and losing their soul to pander.

Really solid opening but you can tell about 1/3rd through the game where they ran out of time and balancing the game was thrown out the window, with a town of soldiers that are incredibly tough, then the rest of the game being almost entirely pushovers.

Great until... a certain point.

One of those games that I played because people simped for it a bunch randomly online then.... it was just very generic? Nothing particularly wrong with it, just absolutely nothing special about it either to warrant spending your time on it.

One of those games where it feels like they forgot how to build on mechanics/create any depth after about 1/3rd through the game, alongside writing/plot that a kid watching Saturday morning cartoons would find offensively overdone/boring. Gameplay is one of those classic 3D jank games where it gets to be hard to tell if you're supposed to be accomplishing things by doing them the way you are or not.

Very sluggish, even if you're used to games like FFTA with very little QoL.

The rare game from this era, and especially on the N64, that's aged amazingly. Just as playable and solid today as it was in 2000.

Not a bad DLC; it basically functions as you'd expect for an MMO's expansion to work--max level is increased on everything, here's a new area, and here's some max-level content that's good to tackle with friends. Unfortunately, unlike the base game, you do feel the "gear grind" start to set in here, where you realize the only reason you're still playing is to get better gear so you can do the content you just did more effectively, while I felt like the base game had things better entwined. If you like the game enough to get to the end and max out most of the jobs, getting this is a no-brainer.

Only significant downside is the quality of translation. It's overall easier than most games in this genre, but it's very reasonable for more-casual fans, with well-priced extra content.

Not a ton of replay value compared to other rogue-likes, as it's mostly just about the puzzle of figuring out how to beat some, and the harder ones are usually just hard because of less-fun impositions on the player. Very fun experience to run through that first time though.