Such a fun rhythm game on the DS. Its over the top and wholesome in every way possible with the people you help.

A really good remake of an already great game, everything I loved about the original is preserved outside of Scope Shot being cut which still ticks me off. But I really enjoyed the retro sub-games they remade here.

Magolor Epilogue is also fun, didn't really expect for them to make a new mode but I felt like I should've after Forgotten Land.

If you've never played the original RTDL then you cannot go wrong with buying this game. You're basically getting an already great game you can play on the go with more content than the original.

If you played the original or still have access to it, then its really up to you if the new content is enough for you to throw 60 bucks down for it.

This was a fun and cute little game, definitely is the Pac-Man World to Frogger.

This game was funny as fuck and my friends and I got a good jumpscare out of it alongside the game softlocking me on the final boss.

That said, I only give it a 1 1/2 star rating for the sheer hilarity of how bad this was alone. Don't play it otherwise LMFAO.

A cute 3D platformer that has such a simple yet versatile moveset at your disposal to rip through levels once you master the game and get used to its feel.

It gets fairly challenging as you progress, though some of the later levels (and I mean the final world not counting the special one) felt very trial and error-esque in terms of execution. Deaths may be frustrating but given how fast you respawn between deaths alongside having the ability to adjust difficulty to your liking at any time, its great.

Highly recommend it!

This game is conceptually badass and I love the style of it, love the main lead's design, music is okay and very repetitive. Its starts off pretty warm with its difficulty but then it escalates to the point where you want to spike your controller lmfao.

I felt like the blend of hack & slash and platforming elements could've been weaved together more naturally.

Overall, its a very trial and error game with pretty long levels if you play on standard difficulty. Your enjoyment may vary on this game if you're into that and I won't blame anyone if they choose to not finish it.

Very pretty game that plays well. I wish it was a bit longer with more movement options and weapons at your disposal.

It's one of those games that are really short, but the difficulty makes the playthrough longer, but I got by in 2 hours and I'm pretty sure people could beat it in less. Doesn't make it a bad game, just wish there was more, ya know?

Overall, worth playing, but I prefer Spectacular Sparky alot more.

Used to hate this game on GBA, I dunno why, maybe its cause of the movie itself, but its a really solid licensed movie tie-in game all things considered. Quick and breezy game.

This game is funny. I spent more time than I would've on it even with using a guide but still lmao.

Not worth playing unless you got good at speedrunning it.

Fairly tough little schmup game that fell on my radar through a buddy of mine. Love the visuals, character designs and music. Great price at 8 bucks with all the difficulty options at your disposal too!

I had this game as a kid and I hated it so much, dropped it at Moonhaven the third world. Years later I'm an adult and I decide to cave in and just go back and beat the game from start to finish.

Its not as atrociously bad as I remembered it being, but I don't think its good either. There's definitely some good in it, I love the 2D art of the characters, the original music is neat, challenge stages are fun, and I like the chants being used for powerups, minigames are solid, and some of the sidequests are fun.

But unfortunately alot of the good stuff this game does is heavily overshadowed by its negatives: alot of the missions are tedious, annoying, unclear to the player, Moonhaven is still horrible, the controls aren't as tight or good as the original 2 games (due to Adventure being developed by Traveller's Tale) I could go on but you get the idea.

It makes me sad cause this game definitely could've been something good had the devs been given more time to work on the game and iron stuff out, but unfortunately it had a deadline, had to be released on 6th gen consoles before the wake of the 7th generation.

Overall, I wouldn't recommend playing it, but that doesn't detract from the good stuff this game has going for it.

A game that isn't as good as BFBB but its great in it's own right. The car segments were a low point but it definitely broke things up among all the platforming. Thought the slide levels were better on that front though.

This game was so weird. The solid kind of weird that was jack of all trades master of none on what it set out to do.

I do wanna see a remake or remaster of it that irons out it's quirks to make it on par with Spongebob's solid lineup of games but what we have is good enough.

Never played the original in full, first real experience was the remake

And the original still holds up really damn well, defs one of the best licensed games to exist.