Honestly really generic, but still nice. Also, it is interesting in the context of it being a Japanese vn from 2007 with a trans character.


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Book 1 was decent but book 2 is so fucking boring

Also I hope that this game doesn’t get a sequel/dlc simply to spite whoever came up with that shitty cliffhanger ending

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How the fuck is eden not considered a word?

A remake of this game would probably be one of the best games ever made

Am I a toddler? Everyone is saying that the gameplay is awful, but I thought it was fine. Like the only thing that is really bad is unlocking all of the weapons, but besides that I did not have any issues with it. Also, the ending e boss is one of the best boss fights I have experienced.

It is crazy how many cgs are in this game. It feels like most scenes have at least one new cg which is pretty cool. Also its fun and short so 👍.

This "game" is living rent free in my head. There's no way they were trying to make a good video game, they had to have intentionally made this "game" with the goal of trying to make the worst "video game" ever. It is actually impressive how awful this is. I am writing this review months after playing it, that's how angry it still makes me holy shit.

It was fun playing with friends and intentionally throwing and being a dumbass. I also remember making multiple accounts and playing on each of them in different tabs, which I'm surprised was allowed.

Literally just osu!, but better.

I have approximately 12 minutes of playtime on this so I can confidently say that this is not very good.

The only Phoenix Wright game I completed


I wasted 4 years of my life playing this game. Pretty fun minus the pedophilia.