would be definitive version if there wasnt 30 fps lock but its still very good

I can safely say this is one of the worst games I've ever played. By an extremely long shot.

This is the same game but the final boss is really bad and terribly designed.

I have not been this into a game since the release of Cuphead. This game bursts with personality and charm out the gate with interesting characters and references throughout the game from other games. The gameplay is done extremely well giving you insanely precise controls with a deep skill ceiling that allows you to master each level. The level design alongside great controls really focus on speed and collecting as many secrets as you can. Replaying levels for anything you miss never feels boring and if you take your time most of the secrets are not too hard to find. As this game takes big inspiriation from Wario Land the one thing I was wondering was how they would handle the boss fights as most of them were hit or miss in those games. The boss fights are so much more engaging and fun in Pizza Tower and even worth replaying to get a better score. Despite no higher difficulty option learning how each boss fight works can be pretty difficult until you master it. And the soundtrack, is probably one of the best I've heard. Even though I recently picked up this game all these songs feel like timeless classics and I cannot get them outta my head. Pick this game up.

This game has a pretty interesting concept that being a first person platformer but its execution is pretty bad. The game feels really barren, although there are quite a few enemies scattered around they barely notice you. I could play a majority of the game just ignoring everything other than the objective of collecting the fuel for my rocket. I will say that the controls are pretty mediocre for the platforming as its tank like controls which get pretty annoying the more you have to deal with rockets auto aiming at you. and every time you double jump your character automatically looks to the ground which can be really annoying sometimes. Lastly, I wanna mention the boss fights which are a joke. You can quite literally beat every boss (except for 1 fight at the end of the game) by bouncing on their heads and just shooting them. They have no clue what to do which is really stupid. Music's pretty decent at least.

Without a doubt the best game in the original series. This game fixes all of my issues with the original trilogy, giving you all your movement abilities from the start as well as new abilities that make moving around even more fun. The levels are much more similar to Wario land 2 but are far more fun to explore. I collected all the CDs in this game and was very interested in exploring everything that each level has to offer. Each level is pretty short so checking for all the collectables doesn't feel like much of a chore. I am so happy that they made the boss fights interesting and fun in this game as the wario land series had so many frustrating and unfun designed fights. While nothing crazy they are just more enjoyable to do. The timer added to this game that is most famous is a great addition to this game and the excitement of trying to find all the shards and keys before the timer hits zero feels great. Last note I want to make is that this is the first game in the series with an absolutely fantastic soundtrack with unique songs for all the levels, and they're all very good. I got sucked into this game as I had taken a break for about a few weeks. But, I decided to boot it up last night and could not put it down for the last 2 nights. If you don't plan on touching the original Wario games I highly recommend playing this game.

This game is very good and much better than the previous game. The game feels much more fluid and the controls feel tight. The level design is a massive improvement over the original and makes this game quite hard to put down at some times.

This game starts off pretty rough for the beginning of the game as you lose all your regular abilities from wario land 2 and must regain them throughout the game. But once things start slowly coming back the game becomes just as fun as the previous one. After completing all 100 treasures I can say these games are both on par with each other. Both also share the same issue of quite annoying boss designs. But this game offers much more levels in comparison. This game definitely deserves a playthrough if you enjoy platform puzzle type of games.

Fun little platformer with decent controls. For a gameboy game it looks pretty good alongside good music for this game. Nothing of this game really pops out about this game but it does the job for a quick platforming experience. This game could easily be finished in an hour or two but the level design really makes this quick little adventure feel fun. I never got bored or felt dread after finishing each level and due to how short this game is gives it pretty good replayability.

Really fun addition to Cuphead, kept a lot of what made the original great and more! Chalice is a very fun addition to the game and keeps the game fresh yet not unfamiliar. The bosses are all fun to fight against and the new powerups are really fun. There is so much content in this despite dlc how small it may look.

A game that doesn't know what it wants to be. It want's to be a movie, a stealth game, a shooter, and even more. And it is bad at all of those things, the story sucks. A Way Out's story feels extremely barebones with a super linear plot, nothing feels like it will surprise you or make you feel much for the characters. The game takes about 3 - 4 hours to finish and practically plays itself. Despite the fact this is a co-op game it really feels like it could have not been one. It really doesn't affect many parts of the game besides some jumps here and there. The one word to best describe this game is; unnecessary.

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What could've been a relatively easy game turned into a mess. I had previously played Space Channel 5: Part 2 which was a relatively fun game. The main issue is the game's issue on timing. The timing for when you press a button is very off the entire time, I decided to do a little research and it seems like I am not alone on this. The final level is also terribly designed, which is basically 3 levels, and 2 boss fights. Failing any of this section starts you at the beginning of the entire level, which is roughly 12 minutes of gameplay. Due to the timing issues boss fights are extremely difficult while also having a pretty small health bar most of the time. In addition to these small health bars during boss fights, they usually have some gimmick that flashes on the screen for 0.1 seconds which was really annoying. And to top off all these issues, you also have minimum view rating you must meet in order to continue to the next level. Again, all these issues are due to the timing issues, this game would've been a relatively short and fun experience that turned into a long and painful one instead.

If you wanted to try this game I would honestly recommend to skip this game and go straight to Space Channel 5: Part 2. This game's story isn't really important and the gameplay is improved by a lot in the sequel.

Fun arcade game but doesn't really have much to offer after the challenge mode. The song choices are pretty good which helps since a lot of song repeat during the challenges. Playing on controller the 2nd control scheme since the first one is just awful, though I can't say much using the maracas controller. I spent probably 6 - 8 hours and half of it was spent on the Master King 3rd challenge because that shit is brutal. Other than that the game is pretty easy overall.

Overall worth a playthrough I'd recommend giving it a shot!