George's 2024 Summah Games

Summah Weatherby's long slumber beneath the Earth is nearly at its end. The temperature is rising, and he yearns to be born anew in the Summah sun, to run his toes through the hot sand and broken glass beneath the Santa Monica Pier as his CRT buzzes in the shade, a stack of freshly caught Summah Games still dripping with salt water just waiting to be put through their paces, tested against the Summah Index Scale... What's that? There's a motion in the ocean? What's that!? Someone's air hose broke? Not my problem, pal. I'm busy playing Wind Waker.

Starting in June, I will be playing the games listed throughout the Summer and reviewing them. I will also be putting them through rigorous testing to determine whether or not they're appropriately seasonal, and how well they capture that Summertime vibe. Blue skies, rolling waves, golden sand, maybe a palm tree or two... I may not like everything here, but you can count on me to determine if these are Summah Games.

New Pokémon Snap
New Pokémon Snap
Paradise Killer
Paradise Killer
Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball
Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Wave Race: Blue Storm
Wave Race: Blue Storm
Ridge Racer V
Ridge Racer V
Mario Golf
Mario Golf


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