Log Status






Time Played

20h 42m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 21, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


This has been on my backlog for over 3 years and I decided that with the Thousand Year Door remake dropping soon, there was no better time than now to finally finish it. And yeah, it’s great! The story wasn’t anything amazing, but it did what it needed to. The music was very good, specifically Mothiva's Theme and the Final Boss theme. The combat, of course, hits. It's Paper Mario Combat but with some improvements I really like. Being able to swap turns to other partners is an inspired idea, and makes combat way more interesting than it would be if it just copied Paper Mario. However, I have some complaints. Only Vi can attack airborne enemies without using TP and it makes the team really reliant on her, so much so that I'd just reset sometimes if she died without having any revives. Badges aren't nearly as prevalent, I only had one I really relied on which allowed you to do nothing to gain back TP. And finally, once you unlock the Frozen Drill, the game is done. 12 damage for 8 TP. It breaks the game. But DAMN, it was fun. I highly recommend this. If old Paper Mario is truly back, then this game is kind of obsolete. However, even if it is, the game is very good.