Log Status






Time Played

12h 20m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 17, 2024

Platforms Played


Man, I know people don't care for this one too much but I liked it. Tranquilizing enemies and building up your army is so fun. The controls are a little clunky yeah, but I think that only majorly affects the boss fights (they suck, all of them.) The camera didn't bother me, I'm used to crab clawing bc of Mega Man X so maybe that's why? idk. The story is cool too! I know it's like...partly canon or something, but I enjoyed Campbell's younger self and I just really really really like Big Boss. Seeing him get his kinda spark for Outer Heaven is interesting, I feel like this is a pretty important game but I guess fans disagree. Oh well. I had a lot of fun.