Forbidden West does so many things exceptionally well that its almost impossible to imagine mock reviews at PlayStation not scoring astronomically high. It feels like the most expensive games that I have ever played, which certainly has a novelty to it. Horizon's world is breathtaking. It's diverse cast and main narrative thread is likeable and entertaining for the lengthy run. And yet, it still rings hollow.

For every fiery story beat, there is one that makes you roll your eyes. The third act completely crumbles under the vast amount of plot threads and vaguely referenced themes of climate change and dangers of AI. While Zero Dawn's narrative felt more like a harrowing warning, Forbidden West plays out more like a single run Marvel comic book about fighting alien invaders. The absence of John Gonzalez this time around cannot be understated.

So much of Forbidden West just feels like its the game that PlayStation (not Guerilla) wants right now. Mascot protagonist. Cinematic. Sets up sequel. As excited as the production value of this game should make me, I'm left only with the fear that my dear PS has lost what made the past special.


A nostalgic and warm kick of dirt in the face. Balances absurd humor and sentimental moments so well that Raphael Bob-Waksberg would be jealous. Horrifically dark and hopeless. Psychedelic lunacy. Norco sneakily and slowly lowers you down the rabbit hole and closes the lid on top.

The list of autuers in the indie space is long and ever growing. Add the mysterious Yuts somewhere towards the top.