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1 day

Last played

October 27, 2021

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The Resident Evil 3 Remake is a great touchup and refreshment of Capcom and Survival-horror's beloved franchise. The game is short, therefore I cannot recommend it at full price, however the entire four and a half hours is action packed with picture perfect pacing.

Visuals, sound design, and the Resident Evil trademark storytelling are all extremely well done. The story is nothing special in and of itself, but coupled with the dark and arcadey atmosphere of Racoon City, it is a picture match.

Traversing the environments feels great, except for when Nemesis shows up in the first section of the game, and the puzzles are usually very self explanatory and unlocks lead to eachother. There's a very natural sense of progression in which you never feel the need to look up a guide or get extra help because the game designs all of this to feel good and gives you enough to find the solution to the next puzzle.

All in all, I'd recommend this game a ton if you can catch it on a sale and are a fan of the Resident Evil 2 Remake.