Mix Next Showcase & Black Voices in Gaming - Werty's picks

Games from the showcase I will be looking more into as more information is shared.

Will write writeups if there are demos.

The only demo out of these that just seems bad. Clearly a very early build. Super glitchy and buggy. The dialogue was very stilted and choices seemed incredibly basic.
Didn't hook me at all. Won't be checking this one out I don't think.
Seems okay, it's certainly very nice that it is handdrawn, but if the sacrifice for that will be no backgrounds then I don't know how much it can carry this visually. At the end of the demo there's a selection of clips from later in the game, those look somewhat better, but still, I sort of naturally associated these point and click games with so much detail. Maybe I could get used to it. The one puzzle was simple, but had an annoying thing where even though I figured it out fairly quickly, I needed to see the hint to see that I had to do one more seemingly meaningless click.
Not sure I'll be looking more into this one. Might just watch a playthrough.
Really good! Slower-paced FPS rougelite, clearly inspired by modern Doom, but set in alternate reality ancient Greece with a lot of guns and melee weapons to unlock. You go through the same rooms but each time there's a new sort of objective to complete. It is clearly more geared towards coop play, one objective required me to stand still and hold e, but that does not seem possible unless there's someone guarding you. Maybe I'm just bad. It was fun enough playing solo.

For fans of: the idea of co-op Doom but slower, the idea of an FPS roguelike, the kick ability from Arkane's games
It cannot be understated just how bad I am at this game. Even on easy I died on the final level of the demo. So I probably won't be getting this game, though I did get better at it towards the end... hmm...
I do realy recommend trying it out though! Super charming, works surprisingly well for how seemingly simple it is compared to its competitors, I chugged through just to see more of it! That's gotta be worth something.

For fans of: le funny game, the idea of a new style of rhythm game, vegetables collecting taxes and killing candy
Arcadey, quick pace, dodge-focused, simple, BOAT.

For fans of: a lot of things being on the screen, leaderboard games, fast decision-making and reactions, though all within a reasonable degree.
2D Action Platformer with a mfcking robot ninja who rides a bike, let's go. The wall jumping seemed a bit unwieldy, but it did have some pretty sweet sound and visual effects for the kills, and a neat boss aesthetically.

For fans of: mufuggin robot ninjas, quick and satisfying kills, le NES aesthetic


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