I theorized in my other review that this style of gameplay fits Part 2 much better, and I was extremely right.

There is exactly zero filler content, and it does a genuinely great job at taking each section of the movie and turning it into a shooting gallery. While the DS version had more characters to play as, here they feel better to play. You get to control Harry, Ron, Hermione, McGonagall, Seamus, Neville, Ginny and Molly. Their sections are short, but so is the game itself, which is honestly its strength.

This is where my praise ends for the most part. The spellcasting, while generally snappier, is still not very fun. You get less spells and each is actually unique, but the pace of the combat is often unexciting, due to the heightened focus on the cover system. Enemies hide more often, there's generally more of them and they can spawn from any direction, as teleportation is a thing, and they all tend to use the shield spell Protego a lot. This creates a very static feel, and the game seemingly acknowledges that by having a plentitude of segments where you have to defend someone. Unfortunately, it just isn't very fun, even on the medium difficulty this pidgeonholes you into a very repetitive playstyle, and it gets old very fast without much else to latch onto.

There are some sections of this game which look neat. The Chamber of Secrets is the single biggest standout, with it being restructured into a pitch-black cave system connected by pipes, with visions of yellow eyes scattered around the darkness. You are incentivized to follow Ron as he casts Lumos, but you can also light up the road with your own spells, and since they have different colors, it can make for a nice visual. The rest of the game, however, is still very gray and unimpressive. I guess even in the movie, the visual of Hogwarts getting attacked isn't as impressive given the fact that the battle largely takes place at the courtyard and not the grounds. Maybe there's only so much they could do.

The level design is often very annoying, with enemies spawning extremely slow or from too many angles. The focus on putting "snipers" with heavy damage spells high up and far away in the latter half of the game is similarly not very fun. Doesn't help that you also begin revisiting the same areas as well.

If you HAVE to play a Deathly Hallows game, this is probably the best one. This doesn't say much unfortunately. The best part of this game comes after the credits, with a wonderful little montage of all the different styles in which Harry Potter games were realized in 3D. Almost feels like they knew some idiot like me would binge them one day.

Reviewed on Sep 04, 2022


1 year ago

Is this the end of the line? Have you completed your task?

1 year ago

Yes... Yes...