Version: Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series

Either the remake is bad or people are looking through rose tinted glasses.

Why I liked it so bad?
- Controls; which is a very important part to platformers. In this game it never felt good controlling the character. The knockback with 0,5 sec invincibility frame didn't help either.
- Visuals; Original looks 10x better.
- Collect part; The game doesn't encourage it at all to collect everything. Like you don't even know how many of the 150 crystals you have while playing the level.
+ Music; only thing that was decent/good.

Feel free to comment and tell me why I am wrong/right.

Reviewed on Jul 11, 2022


1 year ago

you should probably leave this review/rating on that version instead, this is the original

1 year ago

yeah i dont get the thought process behind writing "the original looks better" in a review of the original

1 year ago

yknow you can leave multiple reviews for one game right

why not do that for the remake? just review it twice so you don't mess up the original's score

1 year ago

I removed the rating. I'll also keep the review here to "warn" others about the remake.