55 reviews liked by Whenthesuntits

If you take showers this is by far the best Smash game.

"this game is deep and stuff bro, it says something about the human contidion" I utter as I furiously masturbate to 2B sfm porn

Discord gifs are the most reliable source of games critique



In my teen years, I got a 4096 while friends and family around me were still struggling to get a 2048 and I have been living on that high ever since

the joke is that goats dont usually get up to mischievous acts such as these

do you seriously care enough to see what this site thinks about fucking "goat simulator"?

(9-year-old's review, typed by his dad)

It's fun but hard. I like "bwomping", and most people call the square a cube even though it's not 3D! I like the game because it has a lot of customability, and you can do funny things. And my favorite part is playing the level Blast Processing (the bwomp level) because it has the best song in the game. My favorite custom song is called Endgame by Waterflame, and Waterflame makes good songs. And when will 2.2 come out? Robtop please. Please give us 2.2. Bye!

Me running away from child support.

White people stealing indigenous artifacts and giving them to the British Museum be like: