Biased rating but this game was my LIFE

was fun & addictive for a while but I quit for a multitude of reasons. it got way too grindy, the inspo for the hilichurls was EXTREMELY uncomfortable, the company is just crummy in general and has incredibly poor customer support, eula's family thing all in all i decided it's not worth me wasting my life anymore.

there's no option to say i played this in animal crossing

Unironically the most fun business sim game I have ever played

I would really love to see this game get a remake more than any other Tales. The story is the best in the series and the characters are unforgettable, but unfortunately the gameplay hasn't aged amazingly well and the dungeons are tiresome. It's a classic for a reason, though, and Karma by Bump of Chicken is THEE all-time banger.

this counts as therapy i think

NGL I pretty much bought this one just to play Dreamin Chuchu, because I'm that much of a Luka simp. If you're not hopeless like me, other Divas are better. I did like the T-shirt editing function so I could stick all the Vocaloids in pride shirts to make Gamers tm mad.

My first Rune Factory and I loved it!!! Great characters and super addictive gameplay. I only knocked off half a star because the music got SUPER repetitive at times. But man, as someone who loves both farming sims and JRPGs this is such a wonderful combo of both!

A very pleasant little restaurant simulator! I love how cute everything looks and the character customization. The gameplay can get a touch repetitive so I find it is best to play in small bursts. Still, it's really cute and a fun way to unwind at the end of the day...but don't get too relaxed! That lunch rush is no joke!!

Graces is criminally underrated within the series. The story is cliche, but whatever. What we're REALLY here for is a) the best battle system in any Tales game hands down, and b) Asbel and Richard's relationship. I don't even have to write the fanfic. It's all there, dudes. This game literally has a whole epilogue where they try to convince you Asbel is straight and it still failed.

ALSO, Sophie is my beautiful daughter and Cheria is a sweetheart. Pascal is questionable at first but she gets really good as the game goes on. Malik is alright. TBH I liked Hubert as a kid but as an adult I think he plays the devil's advocate on Reddit.

BUT LIKE THE GAMEPLAY????? It's so good. I adored the battle system. So underrated, this game slams, we love Graces in this house,

Not quite as good as Trendsetters but still very addictive

made me cry for 3 hours straight

This is basically a game for people who want to walk away from an explosion with all their best friends while wearing sunglasses. That's the feeling you get when you beat it.

This was my first ever Hitman game and I had a great time with it! I admire the creativity that went into this -- there are so many different ways to achieve your objective. For such a grim premise, many of the assassination methods are unexpectedly hilarious, so I can appreciate the dark humour as well. I surprised myself with how many times I replayed certain levels just to get all the different outcomes.

My first game. I then begged my mother for Pokemon Blue, of which I have much fonder memories.

Loaded it up the other day out of curiosity and I have genuinely no idea what you are supposed to do. I guess the sprites are cute?