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WhiteVisitation reviewed Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
I had played this game 8 years ago, found it extremely weird and didn't understand shit, now I'm almost 23 years old and coupled with the current socio-political climate... well this game hit HARD, it really was way ahead of its time, Kojima really did cook a masterpiece with SoL and I'm glad people are starting to discover how good it always has been.

4 days ago

WhiteVisitation reviewed Town of Salem 2
Peak gaming, Among Us is NOTHING compared to ToS2 and its complexity and variety, the new and reworked roles are incredibly fun, and, while still not being really balanced, it's a step up from the first game.
Also, thanks to the aforementioned Among Us this game has no chance to get as popoular as the first game was, which is actually a good thing due to how awful ToS1's community was in its hayday

13 days ago

13 days ago

WhiteVisitation reviewed Town of Salem
Game is... unbalanced to say the least, obviously it's in maintenance mode since the much better sequel is out, but this one is still running in its unbalanced glory, fortunately the game has stopped being popoular so it's not overrun with toxic kids that make league of legends community seem healthy by comparison.
I'm still very attached to ToS

13 days ago

13 days ago

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