162 Reviews liked by WillNeot

It's janky in the way a lot of Game Boy and NES games are, but it's short enough it doesn't outstay its welcome. It's still decent, though, and somewhat unique for a Mario game with its level themes.

This game annoyed the hell out of me. The second half of the game had me dying again and again to bullsh*t enemy placement. the music was good tho

Dead or Alive 3 (2001): Lo puse sin esperar nada y encontré uno de los mejores juegos de lucha de su generación. Simplifica priorizando espectacularidar antes que complejidad y funciona de maravilla. El elenco me parece cumplidor sin más, pero en lo demás raya a buen nivel (7,50)

A good time! Good sequel to DOA2 and just another good one in the series. I thrououghly enjoyed this one. Tho higlighting Jann Lee on the boxart is curious to me. Why? Well...Ultimate has this boring one, so....but atleast Volleyball focuses on the chicks like it should. Nothing wrong with focusing on Jann Lee but if you want a dude to represent the series, I'd say Hayate is the one you should pick, or Zack. Either way, DOA2U easily outdoes this game so it's a bit hard for me to go back to now, tho I like the way they did the Story end boss, more fresh than Tengu. A good entry all around, not much else to say.

I recommend DOA2U over this but if you wanna play this, get the PAL/JPN version as they have more content and both have English option. Otherwise you'll have to get the Booster Pack for US version...and I don't even know how that stuff works on an emulator, maybe it's simpler on Series X and One BC?

More than dead, it's alive, for the third time.

Dead or Alive 3 is a new sequel that doesn't do anything new, in fact, it's pretty much just Dead or Alive 2 but with new maps and two new characters and I'm totally fine with that.
So yeah it's just Dead or Alive 2 with a new story mode that is even more cryptic with its storytelling than its predecessor and the main quirk of this game is the graphics, this game looks crazy for 2001. Outside of the usual boob jokes have you seen how good the environment looks in this game? The stages are really fun to play in and they look really good, same for the characters, fun to play as, and damn they look gorgeous. Sure they all might seem out to date by nowadays standards and it's not a Wind Waker situation where the game relies on a stylistic art style to stay relevant till the end of time, but damn it was relevant for the blokes in 2001, it was one hell of a showcase of what the Xbox could do, and Xtreme volleyball also proved us that tits could look even better in 2003.

I guess the only thing that disappointed me was the lack of unlockables, unlockables characters are such a nice feature to have, this game unfortunately only has one and it's just a reskin but honestly, I'd rather have a reskin than nothing at least it gives us goals to work for.

Outside of the graphics, there isn't much to say that wasn't said for Dead or Alive 2, they can both be enjoyed and one doesn't overshadow the other. Ah, and unlike Dead or Alive 2 there's only one version of the game compared to 2's 6 different versions, it really avoids the headache.

"She kicks high" really does encapsulate an entire era

Tranquilo um dos melhores jogos de luta do Xbox clássico, que ja era lindo em 2001, mas no "remaster" da retrocompatibilidade para Xbox 360/One/Series, ficou simplesmente deslumbrante.

O gameplay é o arroz com feijão de Dead or Alive, sendo 4 botões (defesa, agarrão, soco e chute) que vão dar diferentes imputs conforme os personagens, direções e combinações de botões. Simples o suficiente para qualquer pessoa pegar um controle e se divertir e funcional o bastante para alguém se dedicar a extrair o melhor do jogo.

Infelizmente, o pouco conteúdo do jogo com um story mode bem fraquinho, poucos modos de jogo (time attack, versus e tag team, basicamente) e quase nenhum desbloqueável (creio que apenas o chefe final) fazem ele parecer bem pobre em comparação aos concorrentes.

Mas é legal dar uma jogadinha. Se segura muito bem ainda.

legalzinho, prefiro a ambientação desse jogo doq a dos outros

I sold my 360 because my save data got corrupted on this game.

sim minha infancia foi lego

Apesar de não ter conseguido ser tão bom quanto seu antecessor (Lego Marvel Super Heroes), ainda é um jogo que consegue te divertir bastante ao ver a adaptação dos filmes de vingadores.
Receberá 3,5 estrelas por não ter lançado com o Homem-Aranha.

A game where I can play through the first two avengers movies and more??? I will buy a sequel to this game today

this happened to my buddy eric

inspired one of the worst ovas of all time which is pretty funny. will write a full review upon completion

Never played this game and never will because I'm not interested. But the outrage against this game was basically a form of public kink-shaming. I think it's pretty dumb to assume that, if a person has a rape kink, they must enjoy rape. Sexual fantasies have nothing to do with reality, and to think otherwise is immature.

Furthermore, no matter how disgusting you find certain materials, they should be allowed to exist in public access. Banning this game was a violation of freedom of self-expression. The truth is, the only reason there was such an outrage is because this is a video game. I bet those same people, who called for this game's ban, watch rape porn in video form. Rape porn is in fact ubiquitous, they just don't call it that. Videos like "a big breasted teen is punished for shoplifting" often end up on the home pages of porn websites, which indicates their popularity. Yes, they're staged and the so-called "teen" is [thankfully] an adult actress. How is that different from video games like this? None of this is real.

As always, the fate of this video game ended up being decided by people who don't play video games or have any understanding of the medium. Every time a video game gets vilified and banned, the entire medium suffers as a consequence. What's worse is they somehow convince gamers to adopt their twisted worldview. I want to remind you people, the people in charge of banning video games usually represent the same institutions that run propaganda campaigns that lead to deaths or imprisonments of hundreds of thousands of innocent people. They want you to think some silly little hentai game that nobody's ever heard of outside of Japan is a danger to society because it helps distract you from the evil they do.