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Cleared on July 5th, 2023 (SEGA Genesis Challenge: 19/160)

Good god, out of all the games that I played for this challenge, this has to be the longest and most patience trying of them all. Even with the Fast Forward feature to speed along the movement, the Rewind to prevent wasting time over trivial mistakes, and looking up walkthroughs and guides for the most optimal gear, it still felt so damn long. I want to say at least 20+ hours.

And perhaps this length wouldn't be such a problem if the game didn't feel so monotonous. The music is the biggest offender to me because you hear the same song while you're in the labyrinth for hours on end. Even when you get into the Trials, the music doesn't change and it's only when you get to the 2nd floor of the labyrinth where the music does change, but the encounter theme remains exactly the same, and the game expects you to be comfortable hearing it for hours of your playtime. Like sure RPG encounter themes are a thing, but at the very least the majority of them shake things up with boss themes, but guess what? Even for the majority of bosses in the game (with the exception of 2), they still play that song. It's like it's "whatever" the first few times, but play it more and more, and it drives you nuts. Eventually, I was at my limit and decided to just mute the game and play my own music.

Music aside, everything else ranges from good to ok. I really admire the visuals of the game. It has that colorful traditional fantasy artstyle with expressive characters. You have guys with shifty eyebrows, some guy that makes such a weird face when you to try to sell your items, and a shopkeeper elf that occasionally gives you bedroom eyes. The mobs are well drawn although perhaps a little too expressive that it makes it seem like they're making them look as smug or douchey as they can so that you'll want to beat them up. The environment in the castle and village are nice, but the labyrinth is rather simple with stone walls and floors with maybe a few occasional sights.

The gameplay is just your traditional turn-based RPG. You make your move and then your enemies go next, though sometimes it can go the other way around. There's nothing much to it, and even if the kind of gameplay is boring to some, I don't really have much of a problem with it. What I do have a problem with is the constant amount of enemies that bombard you and sometimes they'll be one tile away after you already had an encounter. The encounter rate is merciless in this game and although you can remedy this via a spell you get through one of the characters, it doesn't really last that long. So what about the characters?

When you are sent into the Kingdom of Thornwood, you take the role of Hiro, named to your preference (I named him James since I didn't know what his canon name was). He is a Knight who swings his sword and wears tough armor. That remains true throughout the entire game as he never uses magic at all. That said, he is quite valuable for the whole party as he generally has the highest attack stat which makes his burst valuable for taking out a target in one hit, but in turn, he is the slowest, very often going last in the face of a mob of creatures unless he is overleveled. Despite being a knight, he has the lowest base defense and has to wear powerful armor to make up for his shortcomings, but he does have the highest health in the game.
When you venture into the labyrinth, you start out going in alone and all you do is just auto attack which is fair to get you used to the very simple mechanics of the game, but they introduce your comrades being Pyra the witch and Milo the priest each of which are especially valuable for survivability and overall damage output.
Milo is the healer and support of the game and has reasonably balanced stats. His main appeal is to keep the party in shape although when that's not necessary, he can dish out some decent damage and a few particular weapons that he exclusively gets can be quite potent. Other than Healing, he can provide inquiry on an item you're holding, cure Poison and Paralysis, deal Wind Damage, grant a speed and defense boost which may come in handy for Hiro in particular, silence enemies, burst enemies with fire, and even revive your allies. He also gets access to DeSoul which is potential one-shot, but the accuracy is so low that you probably wouldn't go out of your way to use it.
Pyra, meanwhile, provides damage and debuffs against enemies. While you probably won't find yourself using her spells early on, once you acquire more mana and deal with tougher mobs, you will really see its value pick up. She can Slow her enemies to lower their speed and defense, she can set them alight with Blaze, she can put them to Sleep, she can deal Ice damage, she can deal Lightning damage, and she can screw with the enemies head and confuse them which turns comical when you get Muddle to Level 2. However, she does have a few buffs. She can heal her allies much like Milo, but it never goes above Level 2 which means its best to use her as a back-up healer or just to allow Milo to conserve mana for whatever reason. She can also Boost allies physical attack which is especially valuable for Hiro since his damage is already high and would be valuable for enemies with high amounts of HP. She is also very valuable for utility outside of combat like being able to peer into your surroundings to better determine where you are and when you feel lost or need to get back to town, you can have her teleport you out of the labyrinth.

I really like the game's progression. While there are some new spells that make me feel indifferent such as Desoul and Screen (silence) which I never used (though Screen could be useful in hindsight), the other spells you get are very good and you'll want to use them for a specific circumstance. But the weapons and gear that you get are also really cool. When having to fight multiple enemies, you only target one at a time and this remains true for Hiro throughout the whole game. It does get better with the addition of Pyra and Milo, but as soon as these two join, the max number of enemies that fight you increases and sometimes they come in different groups. Let's put it this way. You have 1 Cave Slug and 2 Slime. You have the choice to target the 1 Cave Slug or target the 2 Slime, but when targeting the slime, you can't determine who will get hit. The good news is that your character will always go for the one that they can take down so it doesn't matter although once you get the Flail for Milo, it gets a bit shaky as being able to hit two times means that you won't always hit the same foe twice even when hitting them two times would actually defeat them.

The game is fairly easy although it could theoretically get cheap under bad circumstances. I remember there was a group mob that ambushed my party and got a free turn to paralyze both Hiro and Pyra. If Milo got paralyzed, it would've been a party wipe. There are also enemies that could cast DeSoul on you and do that first thing when they ambush you and if they cast it on the only person that can actually revive and you don't have the item that lets you do that, you're gonna have to warp back to town to revive him.

As for the story... it's there, but it doesn't really seem all that special to me. There are points where it does get interesting towards the second half, but as a whole, it's a very standard "save the princess, defeat the darkness" story. To be fair, this was made in 1991 so I'm pretty sure story-telling in video games was in its early stage. While the main story events are rather sparse, you can get some dialogue from going out of your way to talk to NPCs who will give you clues on what to do next.

Honestly, though, I'm shocked that I got to see this game to the end. I've thought about just dropping the game altogether because the tedious and repetitive nature of the game just numbed my mind. I'm sure it was a fine RPG for its time, but to me, it's just really average. There were some things that I like about it, not enough to say I dislike it or think it's a bad game, but I didn't have enough reasons to justify calling it decent or good. I would not recommend this game to anyone outside of die-hard RPG fans who do not go to work or school even if you're willing to use Rewind, Fast Forward, and Save States. But if you're willing to shine the light in the darkness, then here are some tips fresh out of the oven to make your experience probably better than mine.

Tip #1: If the game's music begins to annoy you, just mute the game and play your own. It gave me a better time playing Outlanders and it did that for me here.
Tip #2: Never discount or ignore the utility that your allies provide once you get them. You can have Pyra use View to find out where you are, and if you're willing to use Rewind, you can have her cast the spell, pinpoint where you are, and then Rewind to get that one mana back. That way you pretty much get unlimited Views.
Tip #3: Always have at least one Angel Feather on you at all times. If Pyra goes down and you don't have Revive available because Milo doesn't have it yet, is too low on mana or dead, you'll have to walk all the way back to town. Also good luck finding your way out without Pyra's View, lol.
Tip #4: Cursed items in this game are mostly trash. While the values they give are very high, they come with awful side-effects that make them unbearable to try to use. While this seems like a no-brainer, there is one exception to the rule being the Hexwhip which is Pyra's most powerful Whip, but it entangles her and renders her incapable of moving. The thing is, it doesn't always activate (though it does the majority of the time) and when it does it activates after the damage is dealt. On top of that, if she's just casting spells, it doesn't activate which makes it more manageable. If you manage to find a Dark Block, get the Hexwhip and sell the rest of the materials you find.
Tip #5: The game can be quite grindy as many RPGs are susceptible of being, but there is a hotspot as soon as you get the Mystic Rope. Upon using it, you will have a chance to find Necromancers which cannot attack you and only spawn Zombies. Ideally by encountering 7 Necromancers, you can empower Hiro with Quick and Boost, then have Pyra and Milo perform defensive stance while Hiro takes down one necromancer which will prompt one of the necromancers to summon a zombie in its place. Keep attacking the Zombie and you'll be racking up experience points which might get you leveled up reasonably enough to take on later challenges and especially the final boss.
Tip #6: Once you get Muddle 2 and get to the point where you encounter a Gollum (no, not that kind), use it on them until they give you a Super Flail which is best in slot for Milo as it lets you hit foes three times in one turn.
Tip #7: Be sure to stop by the castle every once and a while since there's a chance they may give you useful tips or even an item of importance. As soon as you go up the Third Floor of the Labyrinth, return to the castle to get a Medallion which will let you set a checkpoint and save you a lot of time and let you use Egress (teleport out of maze) much more often and with more confidence.
Tip #8: You can actually sell your key items and be able to rebuy them when you might need them, but do not discard them because I suspect that it would softlock your progress.
Tip #9: Save very often. Unless you plan on using Rewind to save yourself of any unfair scenarios like a full paralysis, you don't want your progress to go completely undone. The game is very long and if hours of time is lost, you will not be happy about it.
Tip #10: Make sure everyone is max health and max mana when you get to the final boss because it's no pushover. You're going to need your emergency max heals, your strongest spells and maybe even a revive. Preferably make sure everyone is best in slot and at least Level 50.

Good luck.