2 reviews liked by Wizedex

why do people like this its fucking awful
most characters are fine but i wish yuki maeda killed himself in chapter 5 because he is one of the most irritating danganronpa characters ever created also nikei sucks too
story is actual ass and ruins what another 1 set up

Final Fantasy 1 was a good time. Really, that’s all it came down to in the end.

The gameplay mechanics are outdated and traveling the world felt like a slog due to random encounters every 5-10 steps. None of the battles felt rewarding because you could brute force every encounter easily. Problem is, all of this gets draining about 3 hours in. And let’s not get into the barebones plot.

But you know what? It was all worth it I would say. Graphically, this game looks great! Yeah it’s basic sprite work but I still loved the many dungeon and town designs this game offered. Oh, and that music. My god, it was worth continuing for that alone. The QOL features added to the remaster also helps out a lot through some of the more mind numbing parts of the game.

All in all, I liked it and I’m interested in seeing the series develop from this point on.