Underrated Gems

Games that I feel do not get the attention they deserve

A great tactical shooter with a huge amount of replay value with the mods and multiplayer options
Goldeneye but better in every conceivable way. Great story mode, multiplayer, coop story, AND COUNTER OPERATIVE story mode!
Great ship based pirate game with very enjoyable naval combat and a great gameplay loop. also free
The Sims but with zombies. The only proper depiction of zombie hordes in any game I've ever seen.
Incredibly tight boss rush game, with a pretty solid story once it comes together and very, very challenging bosses that'll keep you coming back.
A great story-based squad "shooter". Good shooting mechanics for a third person shooter of its day, good squad control, and a pretty solid story. Local multiplayer on consoles is an added bonus
An amazing combination of RPG, RTS, Grand Strategy. Infinite replayability with the incredible modding community. Also see Viking Conquest
The perfect dungeon crawler. enough said.
Unsure why this got all the criticism it did, though to be fair I never tried online. Gameplay was smooth and enjoyable, AI was challenging, which is rare for shooters, and it truly felt like a unique shooter
A phenomenal cover shooter with great gameplay, story, and graphics.


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