Things I have spent way too much time with

and maybe I have something to show for it or be proud of?
not explicitly a list of highest play time but stuff i spent more than the average person playing

~350 hours (2016 - 2019)
Somehow the game was fun enough to get me to grind those stupid OP max levels (more than once)

~ 1K - 2K hours (2014 - 2019)
ummm all gold guns i guess, helped me get through school generally
~ 1000 hours (2016 - 2019)
All gold guns again and pulled off most of the zombies quests
~650 hours (2018 - 2022)
Mostly grinding golden berries which I got all of them except chapter 9 which I basically did it twice but died right at the end which gave me severe depression and I never wanna play the game again.
~200 hours (2023 - present)
next thing would is all characters.
~200 hours IN MAPS (2022 - present)
Osu play time tracks the time you're actually playing songs so this is more time than it seems. It's nothing comparable to veteran players but it's still one of my biggest solo time investments, and I only made it to rank 300,000 (osu standard) in my peak. I still like to mess around with any map that's between 4 and 6 stars every now and then though.
~800 hours (2016 - 2019)
I made it to diamond then decided to chill by only playing supports
~2.5K - 3K hours (2016 - 2021)
I made it to grand champion once, just once and never again.
~300 hours (2019 - 2020)
I have no explanation
~300 hours (2022 - present)
You can add another 300 hours or so on top of this from purely watching twitch streams of the game as well (god bless Lifecoach1981 and his incredible approach to being the best).
Ascension 20 heart kills on each character EXCEPT DEFECT STILL TRYING
~200 hours (2017 - Present)
this game is 3 hours long bro, half that if you've played it a few times
~800 hours (2017 - 2019)
I was always dogshit at this but it was great fun with friends and relied more on strategy than most pvp


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