It's easy to look back at The Stanley Parable and laugh at it. It is, after all, a kind of self-important game that said things about video games that were getting pretty tired even in 2013. I loved the Stanley Parable when I first played the mod, loved it a little less when I played the steam release, and ultimately have found it less and less compelling as time goes on, as the times in which the jokes landed got more and more distant and the commentary got more and more trite.

One might reasonably ask why such an aging process has harmed Stanley when it hasn't harmed other games on quite the same level, and my argument for that would be that Stanley, to use a memetic phrase devoid of meaning, insists upon itself. There's little room for interpretation or multifaceted interpretation of it: Stanley Parable is a two-dimensional game, and what I mean by that is that it works on two dimensions: the jokes, and the commentary. There aren't really any other characters or themes or aesthetic twists and flourishes to appreciate: it's a game that is very blunt about what it's saying, and doesn't really have anything to it other than that. Which is fine! Really! But it kinda relies on the things it's saying being really good, and maybe they were, once on the facepunch forums or on ModDb. But now? Not so much.

Which is why the prospect of Ultra Deluxe intrigued me. It represented an opportunity to provide a new experience, to build on what came before, and make a case for Stanley Parable still being relevant, over a decade after the original mod came out. Perhaps I built some unrealistic expectations for it going in, as I did honestly think that a Rebuild of Stanley Parable was the right step to take for this, and I remember feeling similarly deflated by the steam release of Stanley hewing so close to the original mod, but regardless, The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe arrives with the enthusiastic impact of a wet fart in an empty room, not so much making a case for the relevance of the work in 2022 as making a supreme demonstration for it's growing irrelevance.

What we have here is an acceptable repackaging of the original game (with some pluses being options to sidestep some of the edgier stuff in the original release, namely the unbearably cringeworthy suicide sequence, and some minuses being the stripping out of jokes in the subtitles and the loss of the language of jokes that Source familiarity provided) alongside some, on the whole, pretty dire new content. Teeth-grindingly ancient observations on collectibles and DLC that would make CTRL+ALT+DEL groan paired with the Bucket. The fucking bucket. All the bucket stuff is absolutely unbearable humor that felt like being trapped in 2012-era reddit with people going on about narwhals and bacon. The superfluity of The Bucket Arc is clearly an argument about the futility of adding extra content in a re-release, but you still went and did it, and it was shit. It's satirical bent never rises above putting a dunce hat on itself and going "look at how dumb we're being". Ultra Deluxe has the same problem as Stanley Parable proper: it cannot help but slam you in the face with it's Point and it's Jokes, and when those land it works, but in Ultra Deluxe they almost never do, so you're just left trudging through a tediously unfunny experience reliving 2015 neoGAF in the most agonizing manner imaginable.

Ultra Deluxe is not without merit: there are truly talented artists and level designers at Crows Crows Crows, and they've crafted some really amazing spaces here. It's something they're really great at: their online multiplayer game/space (which was shut down to give them time to develop this lol) is proof positive of that. But underneath the enormous weight of The Writing, they're never allowed to live, to breathe beyond the confines of The Writing's vehicle, and unfortunately, The Writing here is crap. It's as simple as that.

I wanted Ultra Deluxe to let me love Stanley Parable again. To prove once and for all that it has stood the test of time, that it does have a worthwhile place in video games and video game culture. But after seeing everything Ultra Deluxe has to offer, all I can do is sigh wearily, and type my review, which is as follows.


"Reddit Game."

Reviewed on Apr 28, 2022


2 years ago

this era of hyper-aware games aged so poorly. I had the exact same reaction as here when I played thomas was alone for the first time last year

2 years ago

in 2012 people simply could not get enough of narrators with english accents explaining video game clichés

2 years ago

i think the issue is less the self awareness and more the british people

2 years ago

Curse you bree'ish!
I remember enjoying Stanley Parable and then I go back and am like 'is this saying anything that a terrible sprite comic from the 00's didn't?' And I must answer that no it is not

2 years ago

Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe hits the uncanny valley of self-aware and meta where it's doing it too much to not be anything but a commentary, but not self-aware and meta enough to do anything new nor bothering to go so meta it goes completely off the walls.

If you want LESS meta, play OneShot or Undertale or Thomas Was Alone.
If you want MORE meta, play tERRORbane or DDLC or Pony Island.

2 years ago

Cool review. It's really hard for me because I really liked the original when I first played it, but I almost didn't enjoy this one at all and the more I think about it the less I like it (except for the epilogue and a couple of specific moments ig).

2 years ago

Too long didn’t read

2 years ago

Good review but essays are for school

2 years ago

why does every top-rated review on this website is a 1-2 star review of a perfectly fine game

2 years ago

^Two possible reasons:

-There's a bit of an oligarchy between writers here, where there are some significantly more popular ones and they result to not have a completely positive take on a lot of suddenly popular games. You may discuss if that comes from a place of art enjoyment as art, or pretentiousness.
-People like to read people's opinion about vidyas they don't like because they seem more passionate and angery and shit. Drama is cool!

2 years ago

This comment was deleted

2 years ago

@Mur96 I don't really see much value in the word 'pretentious'. Pretentiousness implies people are trying to seem greater than they actually are in enjoyment of the arts or their own talents than they actually exist. It feels very cozy to the accusation of others having 'imposter syndrome' or just generally trying to come off smarter than they actually are.

There are a few people on here that we could say deserve this title, in the sense of using academic or credited citations on subjects they are not super aware on. Or who frame their reviews through like the rise and fall of civilizations. I've criticized these sort of approaches myself before. But even then other words come more quickly to mind than pretentious: hap hazardous, self indulgent, incorrect, questionable, etc.

It's also just kind of a word people rely on too much, Woodaba could have called this game pretentious and saved themselves a few 100 words but it wouldnt be as fun or insightful. I would say as far as this goes more accurately I would say its a matter of contrarianism. Woodaba in particular has a contrarian streak I would say, but for the most part I don't think they do it for its own sake or anything like that. Woodaba just has 'contrarian' taste and I would bet most people who've played a decent threshold of games are going to as well to some degree...

It is an interesting subject why people like negitave reviews on popular (decent) games. It's definitely a subject I've been curious about as well although I don't think it should be used as a cudgel to get people with those perspectives to stop talking, but it is nonetheless a sort of a telling norm in some ways.

Personally my hypothesis is that people tend to like and respect the amount of work that usually goes into a negative insight (note even here they are fairly mild about their distaste). People will then follow along with those of friction and keep an eye on them, giving notes of respect likes along the way. The activity feed in particular means that people are going to keep up with these sorts of reviews by seeing them liked several times by others they follow. The fact there's no like button for comments also plays a role, popular contrarian posts can't get 'ratioed' and to go out of your way to respond to a contrarian review directly in another insight is extremely poor taste (take it from me I've tried, and I wasnt even happy with myself on it although it's still an experiment I'll retry in the future). However that's just a hypothesis and not something I'm clung to. Nonetheless I do respect Woodaba and think they deserve to be heard for the amount of consternation they put into their insights, so at least in this instance I'm not really complaining.

2 years ago

On the subject of Stanley Parable itself. I actually only have 2 thoughts since I've only watched people stream the game and not played it myself due to a financial disinterest in trying it and also an ineffective attempt to find 'alternative means':

The environmental spaces in a lot of the update are really great and haunting at several points, which is to be expected since The Beginners Guide is the same, but everything to do with the Desert ending is Wallpaper tier.

The game is too funny for its own good, its got the same sort of Defanged Wit as an episode of Monty Python, I don't hate that show but it has sort of aged poorly and exhausted me to a certain extent (if something like Monty Python came out today it would absolutely and fairly be called a 'reddit show'). That being said its curious how some of the old endings of Stanley Parable have aged, particularly the out of body genderswap endings, in 2010 we would have just noted it as 'unusual and playful' nowadays its on the border of a common trope to what we would cautiously call a 'transition narrative'. It's interesting because the content within has not actually changed so much as our cultural concepts of trying to appreciate gender theming in games.

All the stuff with the negative reviews of the 1st game I think has been more adequately explored in 'The Hex' which is a much more serious reflection on metagames and their relationship to the medium. I thoroughly recommend that game (and Mullins' other game Inscryption), and respectfully NOT Pony Island because its also pretty dated and not actually that meta in an intertextual sense of having much to comment on (although people should feel free to play whatever!).

2 years ago

@Erato_Heti Don't take my comment seriously, even though it's always a pleasure to read your statements and thoughts. It was a sarcastic response to an honestly pretty baffling comment that didn't add anything at all.

2 years ago

@Mur96 Regardless, your theories were a great jumping off point for my own, serious or not. I really don't mind, I know I come off serious in general but it did have a lot of utility! I always take things more seriously than other people on here, its just kind of my gimmick I guess :3

2 years ago

@Erato_Heti Heh, don't worry I actually like that. You always come with a new thoughtful punch even for the silliest of things I say.

Oh, and this review? As always well written, I just dont remember shit about the original game other than liking it.

2 years ago

I do not know if it helps to be so self indulgent about each other in somebody else's comment section but I will note that I do actually like the original game from memory, although arguably I like a lot of 'reddit' games so I'm not reliable. But I don't disagree with you its good or relevant.

2 years ago

i don’t think it’s that complicated, i think people like reviews that resonate with them, and it a game is broadly popular and well liked it’s going to have more positive reviews than negative ones, so people who don’t enjoy that game as much will gravitate towards the few pieces that resonate with their feelings, which is why they stand out. also decency bias is a thing, reviews of the new and shiny get more attention than reviews of older stuff and at least for me i’ve been having a rough time with new releases the past year or so. i also just don’t really have any desire to write about stuff if i don’t feel I have anything new to bring to the table, which is why games I loved playing this year like Klonoa didn’t get a review, others here articulated my thoughts better than i could. idk. i don’t particularly like being called a contrarian but if that’s the bed i’ve made i have no choice but to lie in it. trust me, no one wants me to like popular stuff more than me. it would have certainly saved me from a lot of real nastiness and unpleasantness if i just liked Elden Ring and No More Heroes 3.

2 years ago

Not to discredit that theory on other insights youve made but on this one the numbers just dont add up for that to be true. The number of people who have gone through with posting a rating of 2.5 or under on this game make up a population of as the time of writing a total of 27, which is not as many as the people who liked the review. While each induvidual person has their own reason it has to be one or more of the following groups
1. People who didn't like the game, logged as such, and liked your review
2. People who may or may not have played the game who follow you and like what you have to say
3. People who like the game but thought you had a noble argument for disliking the game and therefore like the review

This is not to say groups 2 or 3 are groups you should feel bad about having the attention of. Nor should I mention I mean contrarianism in any deeply judgemental sense. I also wish I could enjoy Elden Ring as much as the rest and kick myself often in a fit of trying to figure out how my perception is not lining up. But contrarianism to a degree is a sign of 'unique' taste and appreciation. The only reason I would define you as having contrarian taste in particular is the full enjoyment of trashy almost unplayable games like Taz-Mania, not just that you dislike popular games but go out of your way to enjoy games that people would consider negative.

And as a followup any antagonistic actors out to harass your or make you feel bad outright should be condemned. That all said any lingering issues you have from there, I'm not therapeutic enough of an individual to put you at ease about unfortunately. But be mindful that none of what I said was meant with an intense amount of ill will and was meant primarily as an aside to the other 2 comrades compelled by such a subject (I assure you if Backloggd had forum pages I would much prefer to take it there and keep it out of your hair and your psyche). Nonetheless, know I mean it when I say I'm very sympathetic to the mental strain that must be caused by being 'gossiped about' in your own comment section and I deeply apologize for the indiscretion.

2 years ago

This comment was deleted

2 years ago

Please do not take me for a ruthless cynic. You almost certainly do not need me to say this. For I take friction with a lot of what you say, but don't lose faith!! Please persist! Do not succumb to the judgements of others, remember your own lesson that you ordained onto us in this world, if even your own silly self indulgent way:

"Why do I write? Because I want to. Why do we like and care about video games? Because we do. Why do we find profound meaning in Kane & Lynch, in Paper Mario, in Ocarina of Time, in Persona 4 or Kingdom Hearts? Because in play, in investing in these dumb things wholeheartedly and earnestly, we create that meaning. And Taz-Mania is here - will always be here - to remind us that that deep down, no matter what else we might say, this is the truth at the heart of it. " - Woodaba's Tazmania insight

See, the fact I can quote you, and it feels hefty and it has a meaning to it, do you sense it?

These words meant a lot to me, they reminded me that all of our sentiments about games are upheld by our faith towards their worlds and the meaning within. They are nothing without our reflections onto them, these words you write are not my own, which makes them important as such. The utility of choosing your subjects of insight based on how much unique you feel you have to offer is incredibly noble of a point, it shows you rely on the voices of others to fill out the energies of your own.

Never lose faith in the importance your writing. This is an absurd task, and yet we must not regret ourselves in what tasks we take. Let us have as much faith in the negatives as the positives, for life spurns us both. These likes, as a reflection of that faith, it doesn't trult matter how the numbers lie, the like represents that people care what you have to say and want to display in some small way proof of that care. Good luck out there, do not lose hope in yourself, or let those led by consternation misguide you. You have a valuable voice in all this, regardless how I or anybody else chooses to typify it. And for all reading on, take this as a call, you are all unique! Have faith in yourself, foremost, and then descend upon the world of the listless.

2 years ago

(and for all future notice, take it as a given I will stay out of your comment section. I've thought of a way to use 'lists' as forums, possibly curtailing the current issue. have a nice day everyone.)

2 years ago

@Woodaba "trust me, no one wants me to like popular stuff more than me." I resonate so much with this. Time and time again, I get harassed for not liking certain things. Why is it so hard for people to understand that we're coming from a place of good faith?

Even though it's a horrible feeling to experience, it makes me happy to know I'm not the only one. That I'm not broken.

2 years ago

i feel like this read assumes that every single person who dislikes a game logs and rates it as such which is a strange assumption to make to me as i don't log or rate anything unless I'm reviewing and I know the same is true of many others.

i know you don't mean anything particularly negative by the "contrarian" thing, it's more just me lamenting that that is the image i present to others. i appreciate your apology but it's cool, no one here said anything out of line, i am simply someone who is rarely comfortable with Being Perceived

2 years ago

oh gosh lots more comments appeared

@Erato_Heti please don't feel like you need to extricate yourself or refrain yourself from any comment you have not been discourteous or disrespectful in any way and I apologize for any distress caused by making you think that way. if you would feel more comfortable not doing so that's of course your prerogative but please don't do it on my account, you are totally fine, trust me.

2 years ago

There's a 5-star review with a similar amount of likes as this one right now of 50 cent Blood on the Sand, popular reviews run the gamut on backloggd in any permutation and people shouldn't be forced to be self-conscious about whether or not they like a game. There's gonna be people who can't get into the new favorites, have a worse opinion of something they liked years ago and want to articulate it, and people who want to stand up for something deemed no more than 3 stars by the aggregate and they're all great writers.

2 years ago

In response to Woodaba:

Noted on both points. I'll decide on mine but I appreciate your reassurance and do feel free to make boundaries on such matters clear as you see fit, not just to me but of course to anybody in your comment section. We are all in your domain to a certain extent. It's okay, as mentioned before, I'm a naturally neurotic squidlin, but I abide your counter apology out of respect and to curtail my own self pity.

On the demographics, you are probably right actually, which means I'm the weird one for rating literally every game I've played lmao. I checked the people who liked the review and only 11 of them have it rated at all, and most of them are actually those of a negative leaning. Some of the other people in there are people who follow you and I would bet still have an affinity to group 2 as such. How many people who liked the review have at least have it marked as played is much more difficult to discern without checking individually, but it's true that you have unveiled a category here with which I wasn't previously made aware of. Still my guess is there's still plenty of overflow into at least group 2 even though group 3 is oddly missing (and thereby approving your hypothesis more than my own). I may try to see if I can run some authentic statistical analysis in the future.

To back up ArchAngel here: I'm with you there, the gaming consensus writ large does not seem to take matters of faith into such large account. I personally try to quarantine off such destructive feedback in advance but the anxiety about being detested for even daring to have an opinion at all still sits with me. Yeah, issues of being perceived, a rough existentialism indeed, however faith is what guides me and why I felt need to make a hasty intervention there.

But DustyVita is correct on which it's such a succinct point I wont dare bloviate on.

2 years ago

Wow, now that all these incredibly relatable walls of text come by, I must reiterate in advance Im sorry if my comment was taken as a truthful response. I dont want anyone to take it in bad faith; in fact I was mostly taking the piss out of myself through everyone.

2 years ago

...I still think the "negative wall of text bad" thing was so unnecesary.