One of the games from my childhood. While I never 100% it, I absolutely enjoyed my time playing through the story mode as the minigames. One of Kirby's best!

A nice return to form for Sonic after Forces. The game is lacking in some areas, and can be a bit grindy at times, but Frontiers is overall a great game for those that have an interest in the speedy hedgehog

Such a fun and joyus game. I have never touched the game after getting the True Pacifist, for I gave everyone their happy ending

A short but still very enjoyable game with a fun little world and creative achievements to collect

Short and fun but my god so much missed potential.

One of the best games of all time and probably the best Transformers game you could play! The campaign mode allows you to play as different characters that all feel satisfying to play as, and has an engaging and intense story that shows the impact the war has had on Cybertron. Play this as soon as you can!

An amazing celebration of all things classic Sonic! Great for newcomers to the series as well, with its levels that combine speed and fun platforming

Everyone is here! An amazing celebration of video games. Do wish we had an actual story mode though

An amazing collection of all the classic games remastered, plus a new and fun ending to the series!


A nice modern version of the original Doom that adds some flare and mechanics to make the game more enjoyable

One of my first ever games that I've played. Such a fun game with many different modes to play through that adds to your overall enjoyment

A charming little game that, while a nice de-stressor, is not as enticing as it was back during 2020 due to the lack of support.

While I have yet to beat the extra mode, I had an absolute blast playing through the main story mode! Such an incredibly fun game that, despite the smaller copy ability pool, gives a nice variety of play styles that all feel good to use.

Probably my favorite game of all time. The puzzles are challenging but not impossible, the writing is peak, and the story is great. Overall an amazing experience of a game

A bit more simple compared to its sequel. Despite that, Portal is a very fun game for the amount of time it takes you to play through