eh it's mafia and it was over the pandemic so whateva.

i'll never beat this game, will continue buying the dlc and love it all the same.

Beautiful game. Very relaxing, great soundtrack but subtle addiction may start if you play it.

I'm not smart/creative enough for this game but I get why it's so highly regarded. I'd like to come back to it someday

works on any platform and very addicting concept. Great soundtrack by Disasterpeace as well

killing monsters shouldn't be so complicated/bureaucratic but when it hits it hits

Hard but cool game concept for map/third person shooter tactics game. will one day beat it.


Very fun rogue like. Not as replayable as isaac, spelunky, gungeon or dead cells but mechanically tight, great soundtrack and a surprisingly engaging story for greek mythology fans. Also they're all drawn incredibly attractively for some reason.


beautiful art style/music but the puzzles are just fine.

eh you get what you pay for on this one. i'd play with friends only.

beautifully addicting game. Makes me want to not have a job for a month just to play it.

YES! (hobbits on gaming).

I know it's a tie in but it feels like a perfect action game.