3 reviews liked by Xelha

Loop Hero is my go-to example when I'm talking about video games as holistic pieces of art. The story, mechanics, music, art direction, and atmosphere all work synchronously to support the thesis of the piece. Whereas other games can have good stories and good mechanics, like Fallout New Vegas, or good stories at odds with their mechanics, like Ni No Kuni, Loop Hero's story is its mechanics and its mechanics are its story. The gameplay loop is integral to the narrative and this makes every system fully engaging because they all have narrative heft. As an idle game it may not be as as engaging or replayable as the best of the best, but it's definitely the best idle game and one of the most artistic games I've ever played. The protagonist should have been nb though...

A narrative driven game that takes place in space sounds like fun and it definitely can be.
Deliver Us The Moon is an indie game where you play as an astronaut looking into the blackout of the WPT that delivers energy to Earth from THE MOON!

The concept behind this game is great and the narrative is pretty interesting if you read through all the logs, listen to all audio logs, watch all the holograms and try to understand what exactly is going on in the world of this game because you're pretty much dropped into the story, when most of the big events have already happened and you're just piecing everything together.
Regardless of that, it's still pretty great and personally, I feel like a sequel was or is planned for this game or maybe a prequel if it doesn't already exist.

Gameplay wise it's not very intensive, meaning that there isn't any combat, it's more puzzle based where you need to move things around, use a second party NPC to enter areas you yourself can't and other types of puzzles.
As someone that greatly appreciates combative games while puzzles are less of an interesting genre, I was actually quite satisfied with the gameplay due to it's pacing, puzzle difficulty and satisfaction of solving something and being able to move on.

I also think that they did the whole space movement thing perfectly, from the zero gravity to the driving to managing oxygen, it was done perfectly which surprised me.
There were some set pieces that came as a surprise but fit in really well.

As a trophy hunter, I got to say that this platinum trophy wasn't hard but you definitely had to keep your head on and be very perceptive to your surroundings because you could easily miss some collectibles.
The one trophy I did hate was remaining outside for 30 minutes because it meant I had to sit outside in space for 30 minutes without doing anything, why?

Other than that, great game! Would recommend if you want a short game in space with a narrative

An interesting little game. Not usually one for reading lore/codex stuff if there's too much but I was into the story with this one. Also the puzzles didn't make me feel stupid. Love that for me.

1 list liked by Xelha