Brilliant entry to the ME universe, the beginning of an unbelievable trilogy, rough combat and piss poor UI but great dialogue, characters, environments and progression, not far from ME2 but pretty great for the first of its kind

Best game in the trilogy, one of the best RPGs of the modern age, ends with one of the greatest final missions I've ever played, has a progression and feeling of urgency unlike anything else as you whip your team into shape, and of course big alien space tiddies

>Peasant man
>Beaten up for 20 Dinars and a sack of grain
>Dragged across Calradia until you manage to escape
>Trade some Wool across 40 miles for a 5 Dinar profit
>Repeat 50 times
>Hire some low level thieves and idiots
>Start clapping some bandits
>FFW 10 hours
>Join faction, start beseiging towns and wiping out armies
>Weaken a faction until they're pathetic
>Leave faction, attack weak faction, take it down
>Take over the world

Incredible diamond in the rough RPG, intruiging writing, a bunch of strange characters and a world that manages to immerse the player in spite of its poor graphical state for 2021

True cult classic (but get the Unofficial Patch before playing)

Excellent PVP/PVE hybrid, absolutely fucking terrifying, and one of the best examples of a game focused on sound rather than just running in braindead mode to kill other players

Character loss is painful but it keeps you playing again and again

Incredible achievement for a F2P model, amazing combat and replayability, the developing story is surprisingly engaging and holds some depth, heartwarming community, plenty of goals to reach that'll keep you hooked for 1000s of hours if you let it :)

Classic paradox memery when you have to pay double the price of the base game to get access to badly needed QOL mechanics through the DLC

Still great tho

The best game ever made.. before Red Dead Redemption II was released :)