The core concept is cool (i mean, this is superhot, but in VR), but the actual game is too frustrating: throwing doesn't work half the time, which is a big problem when most of the later levels revolve as much if not more into throwing stuff rather than firing. there's no way to move around with the controller, meaning that if like me, you play in a small area, it's sometimes very frustrating to have to wait for an enemy to come closer to you because you're out of stuff to throw or fire (i don't think having to do a silly little dance because there's nothing else you can do to progress is really fun), and trust me considering how easy it is to miss a throw it will happen to you quite often. The checkpoint system is also really annoying, having to redo the same levels because you died on the 4th one is really annoying, a easy mode option to have a checkpoint after each level would have been welcomed. When the game feels good it's awesome, but i ended up being frustrated way more often than that,

Reviewed on Jan 05, 2023
