Nice enough sandbox. I adore the world, its quite original and as we all know, robots improve literally everything. Combat's pretty bullshit though. Its only either trivial or way too arduous, there's never a middle ground. Most machines, while extremely cool to look at, are absolute pigs who love to blindside your ginger ass. The story is nice and actually pretty intriguing, I really did want to know the main mystery. Graphics are cool, with machines being the obvious standout, music has some nice tracks, the camera feels way too close to Aloy, there's a merchant who sells you machine parts in case you need them for a mission or for upgrades, but none like that for animal parts such as skins, which are also vital for upgrades, and that sucks because hunting animals is boring Got it for free with my console when I bought it , which is pretty cool.

An extremely short little game. Took less than 2 hours to finish, and it wasn't particularly hard. The artstyle is nice, music's forgettable. My main gripes are that I didn't find the game funny at all, and that while overall short, some sections in the game felt too long, paradoxically. Final boss is pretty annoying, but it took so little time to finish the game that I'm not even that mad. Got it free on Humble Bundle

That was definitely a game, I suppose. I've never been the biggest cover based shooting fan, and I'm glad we've mostly left it behind on the PS3/360 generation. Now, the first title of one of Playstation's signature franchises, which introduced everyone's favorite dickhead, Nathan Drake. It's kinda shit, to be honest. Time hasn't been that kind to it (Excluding the graphics though, I played the Remastered collection, and the game looked pretty good), and nowadays its just a very mediocre shooter, with weird difficulty spikes (I played on hard), bad vehicle sections, and a protagonist so fucking unlikable I was actually rooting for the villains, because they at least only monologued like once or twice the whole game, instead of vomiting stupid fucking quips. God I hate Nathan. The other supportive characters aren't much better. I liked Helena and Sully more than Nathan, if only because they were less annoying (seeing as they appear less than Drake) , although they seem to never have heard of character development, opting instead to be smug, sarcastic cunts and going all "ha ha murder funni". The plot in general is pretty garbo, Dickhead protagonist wants shiny thing, Dickhead Antagonist does too, commence 8 or 9 hours of absolutely mindless violence, and that's yer lot. A totally nothing adventure, where we received nothing, learned nothing, and achieved nothing besides murdering hundreds of people with no consequence or impact at all. Like Spec Ops: The Line with absolutely zero self-awareness.

Even more Uncharted for those who couldn't get enough of dickhead extraordinaire and part time psychopath Nathan Drake and his ethically questionable adventures despite not being presented as such. Being facetious, of course. Bad stealth that isn't really viable because enemies have way too good of an eyesight notwithstanding, virtually everything in this game shows some improvement over the original. The long ass time to recover your health is still here and still makes me want to die, but I actually had fun with the combat, and sections like the train or the big convoy where you jump from truck to truck were really memorable and a joy to sit through despite all my deaths because I played on hard again. Even the story is better, Nathan went from a smug cunt on Uncharted 1 to a slightly more tolerable smug cunt here. Also the puzzles were pretty decent, none were all that hard or illogical and several are equally as memorable as the best combat sections, with special mention to the overhauled Nathan's notebook, which still gives you how to solve the puzzle in a pretty simple way, but its a lot more visually striking and interesting to sift through.

Finished this game almost in one sitting while waiting for the stupid fucking PSO2 to actually download itself on my computer. I'm in awe at how horrendously bad the Windows Store is. Anyways, Gears of War 3 or whatever the fuck this game is. A definite step down from 2, especially in gameplay. I'm prepared to affirm that every single new gameplay decision was for the worse, and makes this game less enjoyable than Among Thieves. Lobbing grenades back to the poor idiot who threw it is an interesting idea, but because Naughty Dog hates fun, the ability has a sort of invisible cooldown, making it so you can't throw them one after the other. Grenades also seem to stun you if they explode close to you (it's possible this was on previous games too, but at time of writing I finished Uncharted 2 literally yesterday and I don't remember that) but no so close as to damage you too much. This means that you can actually be stunlocked by grenade launchers, which almost always ends with you being turned into mincemeat by bullets, and nothing you can do about it. Did I mention enemies now tend to throw grenades at you in pairs? Also, this game has a more expanded melee system that expanded upon the one Among Thieves has. When it works, like for example at the pub fight at the start of the game, its okay and kind of satisfying, but normally just gets in the way. Now, enemies that are close to you just go for punching you in the face as soon as they can, which can get infuriating because the dodge roll away to get some distance button and the grabbing button are the same, so you are somewhat forced to scuffle with the weirdo who decides to bash your brains in instead of using his shotgun. Naturally, having a retard trying to cave your skull in the middle of a gunfight tends to leave you at a disadvantage. So you die, which is something you are going to be doing a lot on this game. I liked the story though, its probably the most likeable Drake has ever been, and a decent conclusion for the series up until Uncharted 4 came out.

Nice short game. Music was quite enjoyable, setpieces were creative and fun, even if gameplay's a bit simple. To be fair, this game is first and foremost a mobile game, so it stands to reason the game could be easily played on a touchscreen. A good experience, took about two hours. Might replay later

Emulated it. I wanted to try out more of the Fate series videogames, and this seemed interesting. I find the whole Moon Cell storyline quite intriguing, so I was curious. Yeah, its alright. I've played worse games. The combat is mostly chance based, every turn there is a series of 6 rock paper scissors games. Depending on the result, you deal or receive damage. By the end of the game there is a bit of strategy involved, and the fights against other Servants and Masters at the end of each ingame week are quite compelling, but to be honest if you don't use a guide and refuse to memorize all of the enemy patterns (which there aren't a lot, to be fair) you just have to hope to god you don't die. Despite this game's short length of about 20 hours or so, I was kind of dreading having to fight anything but the Servants I mentioned. It got very repetitive and uninteresting, to the point I just used the fast forward option on the emulator to remove at least some of the tedium. Said tedium is not helped by the boring fucking music that repeats a lot or the bland graphics. All of the dungeons are just corridors with different colored ceiling and walls, and the school where you spend all your time not fighting is just that, a boring looking school with not much to see due to its small size. Still, if you like Fate, you are bound to find at least something enjoyable here, like I did. The story is cool, I liked the main character's arc, and I really enjoyed the extra perspective this game gives on Archer, from Stay Night. I always found him pretty interesting, so getting to see more of him was great. You can choose two other servants if you don't want a cynical asshole like him though, and I like them as well.

Emulated. A pretty okay game that gets overshadowed a lot by its more popular sequels. It hasn't aged that well in some ways, particularly the dungeons which are a slog to get through, especially the final one, which was pure agony to finish. The random encounter rate is way too high and the dungeons are deliberately filled with long corridors that are dead ends, so you have to go back and waste time on fights. Still, I played on normal and it never was hard. Annoying at times, yes, but excluding the final boss I died and had to load a save maybe twice in the whole game. I had more trouble finishing Persona 5, which really surprised me. I really liked the characters, your party is memorable and its fun to see them interact. Story is simple, but works well enough. Visually it looks okay, I like the first person dungeons and the sprites were cool. I really enjoy the music though, I know this remake has a different soundtrack than the original ps1 release, but they really hit it out of the park with this one. The songs here are legitimately on par with the ones on Persona 5, though they repeat a whole lot. P5 had the same problem though, so I don't hold it against this game that much. Except for the battle theme, that one started to grate despite the game's short duration, about 30 or so hours. Overall I'd recommend it to everyone that would like to see how the Persona series started, if you can deal with the repetition.

Its been a while since I did the other two, but I finished the third and final route, Heaven's Feel. In hindsight, I'm not really sure why I gave such low scores to the other two routes, I absolutely was way too harsh. This was a pretty good read, and the accompanying music is still very solid, and the drawings a bit dated. The story was a real bummer for the majority of it, everything just goes horribly wrong most of the time. Its not like the other two routes were all sunshine and rainbows, but this one deals with some heavy stuff, even if the way it does so might not be the best. Sakura, the main heroine of the route, goes through some less than tasteful scenes I'd rather not go into too much detail, and it felt a bit gratuitous, in the same way all the porn scenes do. Yes, I played with those on again, and they feel as needless and poorly written as ever. This route has the most of them as well, so just play without them. I say "just play" , but in truth, playing through the whole game takes a not insignificant amount of time that not everyone might have. In total, I've must have spent about two full days at the very least to read the three routes. Two whole days I'll never get back, just gone on reading this thing. Its definitely not bad, but that's a lot of time just pissed to the wind.

Fuck man I loved this game. Extremely engaging and very well made with an almost ridiculous attention to detail, especially for a big ass open world game. The characters were very memorable and the actors gave their all, even the minor NPCs you see strolling around town or riding their horses are well realized. Arthur Morgan is probably the single best video game protagonist I've ever seen, he's just such an interesting character. When the music kicks in, its amazing and compliments the on screen action greatly, graphics wise this is legit the first game that has made my jaw drop at how fucking beautiful it is at times.

The shootybangs are okay, but that's all. Guns sound great and they kick like a mule, but shooting them is kinda mediocre. The default autoaim snaps like a hungry shark and you can snipe anything on the same postcode as you with a shotgun, and I never found a specific set of tweaks in the options menu, things like reducing the autoaim or the sensitivity that made the combat fully click for me. Speaking of not clicking, the first person mode. It was cool for exploring sometimes, but for combat it was just awful, no matter what I did in the options, it still felt off. Its basically impossible to control your horse, the camera feels way too cramped even at the maximum possible FOV, and even walking or running feels like controlling a camera taped on top of a roomba. Despite this, I still adore this game and from all that I've played this year this might as well be my GOTY despite coming out on 2018

Felt like replaying, so I did. I have a certain amount of nostalgia for this game, even if it didn't age that well. The movement system chokes and dies in small spaces, but in the open its a joy to just piss around, jumping over skyscrapers on a single leap or running up the side, the music is so forgettable I finished the game like an hour ago and don't remember a single tune, the story is pretty mediocre, the protagonist Alex Mercer is a fucking dickhead besides being boring as sin, the combat is pretty unbalanced, but its kinda fun to find things that break it, even if most enemies aren't that fun to fight. There's always an asshole soldier with a rocket launcher you didn't see, and a missile to the face staggers you, which gets pretty annoying fast and besides dodging you don't have any way to counter. The infected aren't much better, the only unit they have that actually might threaten you is the hunters, a bunch of hairless pink gorillas that do a fuckton of damage, and have an uninterruptible, unblockable and pretty damaging rush attack, and they are invencible while they do it, and they do it very frequently. Doesn't help that the game puts you in a lot of escort fucking missions in the second half of the main story. In fact I would say that no main mission is actually that fun to do. Gotta be honest, besides nostalgia this game doesn't really have that many redeemable qualities.

I had fun with this game. Its filled to the brim with optional superfluous bullshit and a pretty compellling main story even if it is kind of predictable. Combat got annoying after a while, and it somewhat encourages you to simply spam your most broken moves cause that's what the enemies do too. Music is good, graphics are just decent, lots of very noticeable jagged edges on round objects but whatever. I'm interested in playing the rest of the series

Started playing in January cause my friends wouldn't shut up about it, took the time to finish all the main story content up until Salem before reviewing. At this point I've sunk a frankly embarrassing amount of time into the game, and while I can say I had fun, I'm not sure I would recommend this. If you like the Fate franchise you should at least try it, there's enough fanservice for you in here, but other than that I dunno. One thing I am sure of is that I definitely wouldn't have spent as much time in if I didn't have a group of friends that introduced me to FGO and were weirdly passionate about it.

The gameplay holds well for a mobile game, its complex enough to not be mindless and it can even be challenging sometimes. Music is forgettable, graphics are decent for a mobile game, some Noble Phantasms are impressive to see the first twenty or thirty times, but they get old and you are going to see them a lot more than twenty or thirty times. The story is probably the game's strongest point, there is a lot of interesting and fun characters.

However, the biggest issue Fate GO has is probably the gacha. The only thing you can buy with real money is quartz, only usable for summoning, refilling your energy bar and continuing after losing a battle. The last two have other, free alternatives and its not like the game doesn't give you any quartz just by playing, but it feels very stingy. The highest rarity 5 servants only have a whooping 1% chance of appearing each pull, and there is more 5 than 1 and 2 units combined, which is kinda scummy. Still, its not pay to win because you still need to farm materials to level up whatever high rarity retard you got from the gacha, and its more than feasible to finish all the content with only low rarity servants.

Emulated. Its pretty interesting how wildly different this is from Persona 1, which I finished not too long ago, but still feels distinctly like a game of the same series. The now staple school life aspects of the Persona series were introduced here, and the combat has changed a bit. Instead of every party member having 3 personas, now everyone but you has 1, you can have up to 12. Its an interesting change I'm not sure I like. You don't have as much control over your party member now. In fact, in the original release and the improved FES you can't even control your party in battle. Thankfully the devs realized that was dumb and you can control them here. Persona 3 in general has a trend of giving you less control over things you previously could, all of which were bad ideas that were changed in later sequels. You can't even choose what skills your party member they keep or change when they level up now, they automatically do it themselves, which is a change I definitely don't like. You can't manually choose what skills the personas you fuse have either, you have to pray and hope the RNG gives you the ones you want.

Little niggles aside, I did like this game, and found the story pretty engaging, the characters were likable enough and the music was great, as is tradition of the Persona series.

More Yakuza rarely fails. Although this definitely felt like a step down from Zero, I still enjoyed it a lot. After over a 100 hours of Yakuza with Zero and Kiwami combined, I've come to realize I might not be the biggest fan of the combat. Its a bit jank, and nothing seems to be nearly as effective as spamming your most effective move, cause that's what enemies do as well. In this game, get Tiger Drop as soon as you can, its ridiculously busted. Its not the easiest move to land, but you can always do it without heat bar and it can oneshot everything but bosses. Story was weird. Not bad, but I felt like I was watching a summary instead of the full story. The Majima everywhere mechanic is great, and it very rarely gets tedious, unlike the random thugs that I fucking swear appear even more frequently here than in Zero.