Drake's jeans got wet when he walked in water and this blew my mind in 2007

The multiplayer GOAT for me, community ran servers still going strong on weekends.

The game has aged beautifully and id highly recommend anyone to pick it up.

No battle pass, no weekly goals, just pure fragging fun.

Had the warhawk community fully got behind this I think it could have been massive.

The story mode is very generic and doesn't do anything of interest really.

However the gameplay is fluid and the build mechanic was unique at the time, a shame really that the developer didn't continue with these games.

Fantastic addition to the MotorStorm series, takes all the best bits from the original and dials it right up, also a massive change in setting from the original with some truly gorgeous tracks

Fun arcade racer, physics can be punishing and wonky at times causing some frustration but it's redeemed by well designed tracks and unique setting

No game deserves a remake more than this