12 reviews liked by YuckyPumpkins

Think I got this game for free as part of the "sorry" when PSN got hacked back in 2012. Game is not very good.

This is one of my all-time favorite adventure games. Playing it again on PC, it's a little clunky in places, but it's still wonderful! The art direction is really singular, and it has a great "try everything just to see what happens" vibe that Humongous games had in my childhood. A high recommendation from me.

A cute but not particularly deep puzzle game. The fact that each puzzle has multiple solutions is great. The world design is also superb. The writing is find and decently funny but nothing particularly memorable.

I will start off with the one flaw in this that I can think of, which is that honestly, I kind of wish this was more of a straightforward kinetic novel, because every time an actual choice came up and I chose wrong I seem to remember it kicking me back to the very beginning on account of there being one obligatory choice per story. I don't know if I just couldn't find the save function because I'm intensely bad at even visual novels or not.

Aside from that it's a great follow up to the original Hatoful Boyfriend that further explores the cast and establishes some really great new characters. It's got the same blend of goofy nonsense and genuinely affecting emotional writing as the first game, but there's even more fantastic artwork, especially in the last story. Obviously if you haven't played the first game or you didn't enjoy it you're not going to play this, but boy, it's a treat if you did.

the king is a character that can be so deeply personal

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Kazuaki gets away with literal homicide and identity theft! Crazy.

I loved Holiday Star quite a bit, and is a decent followup to one of my favorite video games of all time

admittedly the amount of lampshading at the end was getting quite tedious and annoying, but The King's story was genuinely great and the side stories were interesting, so I can't say I'm too mad at it

Like hatoful boyfriend but has an even more emotional story. Made me cry like a baby when I first played it :')

Besides all the shitty mobile game time wasting stuff, i had a lot of fun with this as a kid

Wonderful game, expecially if played with two friends. I literally loved everything from the characters (all of them are unique with their stories, but my favorite is the monk) to the artstyle and humor.