If I had one word to describe Far Cry 5, it would be dull.

Its Open World is gorgeous and entices exploration in fun ways. But its lack of variety in objectives dulls that. Its setting is promising, but it doesn't have the balls to commit to anything compelling. Its characters and story are too dull to entice. The music that you listen to while you drive around is dull; somehow, after years of tinkering around with the Open World format, Ubisoft fails to realize that having good licensed and original music is part of the charm.

I could go on. I didn't finish this and I don't intend to, although maybe I'll be bored enough to try it again one day.

The issue with the entries this series past Far Cry 3 is that none of them carry the same purpose, other than to continue working on an established formula to rake in the dough. Far Cry 1 and 2 are arguably tech demos pretty neat (post-mortem edit: I hadn't actually revisited Far Cry 2 when I wrote this). Tech demos Pretty cool games that are fully fleshed out; that can still be enjoyed today and carry their own set of vibes and moods. By the time Far Cry 3 came out, its Open World format wasn't as impressive. To cut a long story short: Grand Theft Auto IV and Far Cry 2 came out in the same year. Assassins Creed started popping off, and Just Cause 2 sprung into being in 2010. There was still some iteration to be done, but generally speaking, the blueprint for these kinds of games was established well in advance.

Surprisingly, what separates Far Cry 3 from the bunch is that it has a story to tell. Its characters have a little more depth to them than just being there to give the player objectives whenever they need to progress. The conflict feels real, and the elements of magical realism give it enough edge to be compelling. The Alice in Wonderland comparisons might be a little on-the-nose, but it never gets so obvious that it gets in the way.

Far Cry 3 isn't a landmark title because of its Open World. I hear that from a lot of people, "oh, if Far Cry 3 weren't so big, Ubisoft wouldn't have recycled the same format for almost ten years." You're barking up the wrong tree; Assassin's Creed was doing the whole rigamarole before 2012. Far Cry 3 is a landmark title for Far Cry because of the man on its poster. Vaas might not be in the game much, but even if you know almost nothing about this game, you likely know his speech on insanity. It became embedded into pop culture damn near the second he said it for the first time. The implication I'm going for here is that this is the point where Far Cry became less ambitious. Every single game in this series has to have an antagonist that's either a dictator or acts eerily similar to one because of Far Cry 3. This isn't all that bad until you consider how Vaas is actually used in Far Cry 3. Vaas is one villain of many, corrupted by a world that's gross and ugly. Vaas isn't the villain in Far Cry 3; its world is. Tell me: outside of the hostile wildlife, cultists, and threat of destruction, what's ugly about Far Cry 5's world? I can tell you; it's an ugly place. But it almost feels contrived in a way that Far Cry 3 isn't. And that goes for most, if not all, of the games that followed in 3's footsteps.

If it weren't for the side quests, which lack the same momentum and creativity as the main quest, this would be an easy four stars. I don't like how compressed the sound quality is, and the multiplayer isn't worth checking out. But the rest of it would still be great. But otherwise, this is still a fun game. If you're tired of how pointless the last games in this series feel, definitely consider checking this one out.


Rubbish that I love, but rubbish nonetheless.

GamersGoMakers attempts to make a more feature-rich version of Game Dev Tycoon, but with worse visuals and humor that's so dated, it feels ancient (who was still making Chuck Norris jokes in 2014?). There are some nice quality-of-life features, and it can almost form into something compelling when everything fits together, but it's woefully unfinished and not nearly as polished as it should be.

The best thing that could be said about GGM is that it's fully customizable. Perhaps the developer didn't intend for you to start each new game with five hundred million dollars in the bank, but with a simple edit to a .txt file in the game's directory, you absolutely can. There's a mod that you can pay for that addresses this "feature," and although all of the added content is neat, I don't actually recommend buying it if you intend to get into GGM for some ungodly reason. Some of the added content is a bit finicky, and, in my experience, it broke my game in ways that didn't make it unplayable but less enjoyable to play.

"Tycoon" is an inaccurate representation of what this game really is: a pretty solid casual title. The joy of playing GDT isn't in making life-or-death choices to get out of sticky situations, but tuning into its relaxed wavelength and imagining what all of the games you're making end up looking like. I don't recommend a majority of games about making games unless you have a strong imagination. GDT is a lot easier on this front, but it's no different.