3 reviews liked by Yusidge

i got a cool badass mexican sniper lady on my squad and she died and now i'm sad

bad game

This game got me in a fucking chokehold, because oh my god this is the fifth log and I really hope it will be the last one.

Drakengard is, first and foremost, an experience. Every single aspect of it is a cog in the machine that works tirelessly to create the feeling of pure madness in a rapidly crumbling world, whether it is gameplay, narrative, music or art design. Judging those elements by themselves is pointless, if you analyse this game critically it easily falls apart and you lose a track of what it makes Drakengard truly special. Not to say that those elements are BAD, hell even gameplay is nowhere near "the worst game I played" or "intentionally bad" and is completely serviceable, they are just not really THAT interesting in vacuum, like e.g. Automata's story or Replicant's characters.

Drakengard is hardly enjoyable, not even in cathartic sense. I found it unengaging and straight up frustrating at times, but you know... It is fine that way. Yeah, gameplay is insanely repetitive and clunky, but it is fine that way. Music is pure cacophony to your ears, but it is fine that way. Characters might not develop past their horrible traits, but it is fine that way. Story might be just a constant steam of the unfortunate events with barely any satisfaction, but it is fine that way.

Because the moment you process it all and put everything together in your head is the moment the thought like "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT" strucks into your head and you finally realize how masterfully Drakengard portrays the whole sense of dread, terror, insanity and hopelessness in such a surreal horrifying story, is practically irreplaceable. Every single part of it works just right for its cause and it's absolutely fantastic.

This conclusion might not come immediately, it might take few days, a week, a month(or two, in my case), a year or who knows, maybe never.

But that's the thing that elevates Drakengard above other games, it is art in its rawest, crazy and pain-in-the-ass-to-engage-with form. An absolute must-play whether you will love it or hate it.

Перша КЛАСИЧНА (покрокова) jrpg, що змогла мене у себе закохати. У цій грі прекрасно усе, від чудового дизайну героїв від Акіри Торіями (мангака Драгон Болу), до музики у виконанні Токійського Симфонічного Оркестру. Чудова казкова історія хоч і навряд є унікальною за своїм сюжетом, але добре підтримує інтерес гравця та спонукає проходити далі. Сопартійці також мають свої чудові характери та особисті історії, нехай і не на рівні проробки старих хітів від Bioware. Єдине що можу записати у мінус цій грі - невелика складність без особливих модифікаторів, які можна увімкнути лише на початку гри. Перші боси які почали приносити якісь проблеми зустрілися вже у другому акті. Але через усі перелічені вище плюси даної гри це ніяк не завадило полюбити цю гру настільки, що я вибив у ній усі досягнення (107 годин геймплею).

Дуже раджу усім хто хоче познайомитися із жанром jrpg або його поціновувачам що якимось дивом ще у неї не грали.