The most underrated offering in Ubisoft's modern catalogue. AAA level design combined with the least taxing open world Ubisoft has ever made. Should have been the direction Ubisoft took going forward.
Plot might be all over the place and its tone and theming can be seen as (god forbid) cringe. But I still like it.

Its really weird
In a really good way
Going too much into detail is a spoiler, try it.

Thing no.2 that I would unironically state as peak fiction.
In all seriousness, going from ARR to HW is like going from using a toilet paper to a bidet. You can't go back.

Arguably Bioware's best. Not my preference gameplay wise, but I can't argue it has one of the most fleshed out role playing elements amongst bioware modern offerings.

Good MP fun, but community run servers are a gamble

One of the things in my life that I would unironically state as peak fiction

I can't believe capcom sold vergil as a whole game

The story is a clusterfuck of jumbled mess, but its flair and gameplay saves it from being an ass of a game into one of the most unique and fun entry in Platinum's whole library. Gameplay alone gives it 4 stars IMO.

Contains one of the best bossfight I have ever played. Amazing DLC to an amazing game. it is also very hard and pushes me to my limits (in terms of how close I almost threw my controller)

Might be the best licensed game there is. Has a charm the ps4 spiderman does not have. Still feels good swinging in the game even today. Also play the ps2 version, its the best one.

My personal favorite FE title on the 3ds. The most fun I've had with the franchise on the 3DS and its simple plot is heightened by intsys fleshing out the characters. We need more echoes games Nintendo. Please.

One of the most open ended RPGs there is. Amazing level design and plot. Gameplay is a bit jank but you'll get used to it. Dropped the ball a bit on the ending though.

The best shooting gameplay from rockstar, period. The plot is a huge change from its predecessor both in its storytelling and the actual theming, but I love it so much. Hoping for a follow up down the line.

Great combat system and presentation. Took a huge risk on the story direction near the end, but it impacted the whole game loop in a very bad way. Would have been 4 stars if the last few chapters were executed a bit better.

My favorite metal gear.
The easiest entry to pickup and play and its bite sized structure makes it one of the best paced handheld game I have ever played. One of the less convoluted plot in the series making it easy to follow, all with that Kojima mindfuck experience.