A very experimental entry in the series. It does not land everything, especially in its convoluted writing and sub par gameplay. However the direction it took is admirable and Tabata's directing quirk grew on you that by the end the game manages to coherently close a jumbled mess into a tearjerking and amazing conclusion

Many say that this is the worst expansion. Its debatable. But even if it is the worst, it is not in any way, bad. A lot of trials and dungeons in this expansion are very unique, with very quirky mechanics. Its design influence from the eastern part of the world is also great, with a mix of Chinese, Mongolia, and Japanese culture meld together into an amazing journey.

The shooting mechanics blew my childhood mind. A simple and clean amazing TPS with great storytelling and presentation.

Technically an improvement from Unity, exploring victorian london is a treat. An enjoyable play and an inoffensive entry.

A playable scorsese mob flick
I recommend everyone go through it at least once.

Great combat system and presentation. Took a huge risk on the story direction near the end, but it impacted the whole game loop in a very bad way. Would have been 4 stars if the last few chapters were executed a bit better.

This is a weird entry.
Amazing gameplay on a 3ds, but flowmotion is exploitable and the minigame of raising dream eaters is a hate it or love it kinda deal. The turning point where the story for the series went bonkers, many dislike the direction it took the series but I'm too deep at this point to escape Nomura's wild ride.

Best gunplay in the entire series
A testament on how un needed yearly releases of COD is.

Might be the best licensed game there is. Has a charm the ps4 spiderman does not have. Still feels good swinging in the game even today. Also play the ps2 version, its the best one.

The most underrated entry in the series. Probably has the most thought provoking plot and themes in the series. An amazing leap from the first entry in graphical fidelity and presentation. Raiden is a great character and I'll die on that hill.

My favorite metal gear.
The easiest entry to pickup and play and its bite sized structure makes it one of the best paced handheld game I have ever played. One of the less convoluted plot in the series making it easy to follow, all with that Kojima mindfuck experience.

Contains one of the best bossfight I have ever played. Amazing DLC to an amazing game. it is also very hard and pushes me to my limits (in terms of how close I almost threw my controller)

The story is a clusterfuck of jumbled mess, but its flair and gameplay saves it from being an ass of a game into one of the most unique and fun entry in Platinum's whole library. Gameplay alone gives it 4 stars IMO.

One of the things in my life that I would unironically state as peak fiction

One of the best JRPG I have ever played. Probably one of, if not the best game falcom has ever made. Amazing story and characters, engaging combat system and exploration, banger Ost, I could just go on. Dont skip this even if its presentation looks low budget, it blew me away.