Arguably Bioware's best. Not my preference gameplay wise, but I can't argue it has one of the most fleshed out role playing elements amongst bioware modern offerings.

Thing no.2 that I would unironically state as peak fiction.
In all seriousness, going from ARR to HW is like going from using a toilet paper to a bidet. You can't go back.

Its really weird
In a really good way
Going too much into detail is a spoiler, try it.

One of Rockstar's best
The atmosphere is amazing, highly interactable open world during its era, a great plot for a pre pubescent teen and a quarter life crisis adult can both enjoy and relate on. Has the best 3C in all of Rockstar's 5th gen offering.

The most underrated offering in Ubisoft's modern catalogue. AAA level design combined with the least taxing open world Ubisoft has ever made. Should have been the direction Ubisoft took going forward.
Plot might be all over the place and its tone and theming can be seen as (god forbid) cringe. But I still like it.

Amazing gunplay, gearbox iterating everything that works in borderlands 2 in this new entry...
Except for its abysmal story and dated references that will in some occasion makes you just want to stop.

A good entry on the AA series, but besides being a return to form and the amazing final case, the rest of the game does not excel that much in comparison to the previous entry.

Unlike conquest that at least have a cohesive plot and a good level design, nothing excels in birthright. Its IMO the inferior route of the two.

A very experimental entry in the series. It does not land everything, especially in its convoluted writing and sub par gameplay. However the direction it took is admirable and Tabata's directing quirk grew on you that by the end the game manages to coherently close a jumbled mess into a tearjerking and amazing conclusion

Many say that this is the worst expansion. Its debatable. But even if it is the worst, it is not in any way, bad. A lot of trials and dungeons in this expansion are very unique, with very quirky mechanics. Its design influence from the eastern part of the world is also great, with a mix of Chinese, Mongolia, and Japanese culture meld together into an amazing journey.

The shooting mechanics blew my childhood mind. A simple and clean amazing TPS with great storytelling and presentation.

Technically an improvement from Unity, exploring victorian london is a treat. An enjoyable play and an inoffensive entry.

The best entry in the Fates trifecta. Good level design, a somewhat cohesive plot, and camilla.
Still a very underwhelming offering in comparison to awakening, and later on, echoes.

With more time in the oven, this game could be something special. As it is, its an entry I encourage anyone try. Bugs are ironed out mostly. Gameplay is quirky, but the progression and cosmetics is fun. Not to mention the best setting for any AC game. Game also looks amazing even if its an early 8th gen game.

The best shooting gameplay from rockstar, period. The plot is a huge change from its predecessor both in its storytelling and the actual theming, but I love it so much. Hoping for a follow up down the line.