I don't understand history . probably funny when you have more than 2 IQ.

The worst finale I've ever experienced; it's so short that by the time you launch the game, it's already finished.

Played it for 2 minutes with my friends, and we stopped because together we have 2 IQ.

best crossover i ever seen. This is better than "multiverse"

Terraria but with extra things, not that extraordinary, I would say, but it's cool (no sex mod).

My mom played this game more than I do. Seriously, Mom, can't you let me play the Wii when I want?

Yep. I don't know what to say except that I'm addicted to League of Legends.

The only Need for Speed I played for more than 4 minutes. Cool vehicles; I love badass cars and big cocks.

I drive 😎😎😎. Great story and great gameplay, I recommend it .John Tanner is like me ... (no spoil)

Those AI are like my teammates in League of Legends... . Great campaign !

Pour faire plaisir a Noliad et Bouek78 mais j'aurais pas du .J'connais rien a l'histoire