One of the best games of my childhood. I'm now a huntress in real life (I chase women).

Could have been better than League of Legends. Unfortunately, the developers shit themself and decided to stop working on this game. I have really the mort

Edmund's creation = masterclass

Cowboy game. Nobody plays it anymore, but it was really, really funny. If you never played this game, you missed something.

Rabbids are so crazy i love them

Played 1 level, enjoyed it, never launched the game again.


Pretty good game with cars; I love cars. I want to fuck cars.


Pretty good game with cars I love cars. I want to fuck cars.

I played it when it was already a dead game. This was probably a good game; can't know.


Played 2 minutes being everything make me vomit. I quit and prefer to be nothingness by queuing on League of Legends.

The only game my mom has more hours in than me.

Bakayaro Nannnnde onee-san itadakimasuuuu @Rektangle