Played it for 2 minutes, shit on my pants, press ALT+F4

The only funny Jackbox games are the ones where you can make your own choices.

Cool little game played with my friend Kosgee and enjoyed it very well!

Cool rhythm game. Played a bit because I'm turbo bad at rhythm games (I prefer League of Legends).

Very short game but cool as hell. It's relaxing and cute. Great concept. (And free ! )

Why did i play this game ? (I'm heterosexual)

Played it for 2 minutes with cringe people. I'm no longer friends with them (they preferred my ex over me). probably a good game idk

PLAYED IT WITH FRIENDS THE WORST IDEA I EVER HAD. Waiting for everyone was really boring, and we needed to share loot.

Cool game with friends. I remember we tried to avoid a friend from playing with us because we didn't like him. I'm now on very good terms with him. @Ianouu

J'ai essayé de deviner la célébrité Kooki il a pas trouvé ce batard


I prefer League of Legends. Smite 2 could probably make me change my mind, who knows. (probably not)

I told my friend to install this game; they played it without me for 2 minutes. I uninstalled it, and they did too. I'm now addicted to league of legends


I used to play this game with my older brother. He loved to shit on me in every single game, so I stopped playing with him, and now I'm addicted to League of Legends.

Never played the story mode but love to play online mode with Popol I baise a lot of pute .