2185 Reviews liked by ZeDuderino

Had no idea Kirby was such a fan of puyo puyo. Also had no idea he could be an absolute menace

Indeed, it's a fully realized version of Overcooked 1, where everything just feels a bit more polished and filled.

The story feels pretty uninspired and nothing more than a backdrop, this does end up hurting the game with an even weaker finale than the first game. However, the game-play here is just better than 1. There's much more creative levels that invoke a lot of interesting coop challenges, the levels switch things up consistently to make it a fun play-through from start to finish. The huge improvement with level diversity, the ability to throw food, and the new foods to make really keep this from feeling like a pointless sequel.

I struggle on what else to say, Overcooked 2 is the correct step from 1. I would've liked to have a better story and more inspired music, but this is no doubt an all-time coop classic.

Overcooked RANKED

I could see Mr. Potato Head's soul leave his eyes as I continued to lose to KIM in Connect Four over...and over...and over...and over

Thought I'd actually try playing a new video game for once. It was okay. All I know is that every single character in this game gives off "Glup Shitto" vibes. If you're a Star Wars fan you'll know what I mean.

Doesn't innovate or offer anything new, but this is a COD arena shooter in 2024 that is completely free, will feature content drops that will also be free, is ONLY like 32 gb's, and has crossplay.

I mean, kinda a score there, as this offers a pretty solid alternative to COD, it lacks the polish and fine-tuning of COD's gunplay and level design, but it resolves a lot of the problems I currently have with COD to make it worth keeping downloaded and playing from time to time.

How we got to number 2 in this game is beyond me.

The took nfl blitz and said how can we make this bad and here we are



I’d rather find myself in an actual saw trap than find myself playing this game again. At least that way I would have a chance of dying and not have to play this again.

This game is poooooooop. It’s a Disgrace to Mario Party, Mario, me, Nintendo, the gaming community, and humanity as a whole. Everything in this game is the opposite of fun.

What happened to the series I love. Seriously Mega Man X through X4 are excellent games with 5 being a very good game. Then X6 was a slap in the face money grab after the series was suppose to be finished with X5. Then X7 was one of the most abhorrently made games of all time. While X8 was a major step forward from X7 it still is a far cry from what this series was. It legitimately makes me sad that one of my favorite series ever died and in such an awful fashion to boot.

I digress. Mega Man X8 is not an awful game by any means but it definitely isn’t a quality game either. Instead of going back to the basics that made the series great they decided to give every level a gimmick. Some are ok and some are outright bad. The worst level by far was Giga Bolt Man O War’s stage. You are on the slowest floating type thing in the world with controls that make you think it’s part of X7 with no explanation on controls and it is at best bad and at worst infuriating.

I’m going to cut this review shorter than most and just say the story is ok, the music is ok, the art is ok, the gameplay is ok the game is just ok at best.

If you ever want to play this series, and you really should, just play through X-X5 like Keiji Inafune intended and not what he was against which is what Capcom ended up giving us for some extra cash.

Mega Man X Series Ranked:


My 2024 ranked:


A genre-redefining masterpiece despite having some absolutely ass-backward sections and bosses (Lost Izalith?, Blighttown?, Bed of Chaos? Fuck my life!)

Kicking off that dickhead Knight Lautrec from a ledge and then taking his ring was one of the most satisfying moment in all of my gaming years.

World's most boring, repetitive and bland CIA simulator

It looks clunky and dated even for its time, often runs like dogshit, the controls and the combat will make you wanna smash your keyboard, the early bosses can be game-breaking if you're not prepared for them the right way...and yet I could not stop playing this for 50 hours until I reached the end. Incredibly immersive and atmopsheric dark fantasy storytelling with rich lore, great dialogues and instantly memorable characters, moral choices with real impact, a world that feels dirty, violent, chaotic, lived in and tangble in its own pseudo-reality. There is just a certain energy brimming here that even its sequels could only recapture in moments. Very rough, yet special.

Top notch 90's 3D platforming with the right ammount of whimsical, fantastical and intense elements that a good fairytale should contain. Outstanding visuals and level design. But its tough. Very tough. In fact, I have no idea how in God's holy name did I ever had the patience and determination as a kid to beat this.