This game was so great that it basically started a new genre

Evil base building. It's just super cool to be an evil genius and rule the world from your secret lair. The radio messages that appear after you complete/fail a mission are all super charming. It's also fun to have battles between the spies and henchmen. Unfortunately the base building can be tedious at times.
I abandoned it after I got to the second base since it's basically just playing the game over again for the second time.

Greatest singleplayer post-apocalypse game.

The world feels very realistic for a post-apoc game: there's just the right amount of wastelanders, buildings are spread out, and everyone has a reason to do what they're doing. The monsters are unique like always, I don't want to spoil it but there's segments that are like the gorillas from the original game but even more intense.

It's very fun to explore each area as much as you like to collect weapons and loot. There are also linear areas you must explore to progress each quest. You can customize your weapons to suit your playstyle perfectly.

The graphics are incredible and very atmospheric.

You get to ride a train through the wasteland and listen to all the passengers. And you get to pull the train horn. Masterpiece.

Fun exploration game. The world is vast and interesting to explore, there's so many places to see. It can be slow to progress in the quests, but I guess that's because they want you to explore the world. So just take your time and take a lot of screenshots. Also the main character designs are cool, although pretty much all the NPCs are lame.

Continuation of Metro 2033 with a few extra improvements.

Very detailed and deep medieval combat. The combat was so deep it actually used to be a problem, since most players played for years and became extremely good so new players couldn't compete. However, it was recently made free on epic which brought a ton of new players and evened out the playing field.

Its main competitor is Chivalry 2, which is basically a more arcadey version of it. Chivalry 2 is a bit more realistic because you can hold a blocking stance while in Mordhau you can only block for a second. However, I understand the purpose of this is to make the Mordhau combat more deep by allowing you to try to trick people into blocking.

It's a fun casual game, but it kind of lacks any depth. Basically a mobile game where you gradually build your empire without any real challenge. The music and graphics are extremely beautiful and basically make up for the whole game. The free Japan reskin dlc also makes it a bit more charming since samurai-era Japan is uncommon in video games despite how cool it is.

Set apart from the other Arkham games since there's a multiplayer mode. It's a blast to play as batman and have to hunt down real people, and the thugs are charming too. Other than that, it's you're average Arkham game with a decent story and great combat.

Singleplayer isn't very fun gameplay wise, you pretty much end up beating the AI no matter what you to. The stories in mods are what makes singleplayer enjoyable and it can be cool to see history from the perspective of various countries.

Multiplayer can have fun gameplay since you can make actual decisions and strategies, but it's just too long for a multiplayer game to be enjoyable. It's difficult to organize enough people to play for that long since most people get bored by the time the war starts.

The calls are fun just to listen to and experience, but the game besides that isn't very interesting. You just click on the necessary vehicle and send them to the event. Although I guess that's pretty much what emergency operators do.